hiya ive got 5 dogs 1xspringer, 1xbeddy,1xwhipetx 2xworkin cockers all fed on the barf diet, most natural diet a dog could have. no colours,preservatives, no additives no muck. behaviour is 110% better. always make sure that any meat you give your dog has been frozen first as this kills any...
wat cute babies...you could b just the man i need to speak to as i have ferrets, and wanted to know about having a litter out of my gill. speak soon. dorris
for the chewing of ur lino and work bench ect get some tabasco sauce and put a good amount over were she has started chewing.........he wont do it for long. dorris.
pizzel sticks are what u need... all ntural puppies and adult dogs can have them, and they dont splinter any good pet shop should have them, a pizzel is a bulls willy dried......mmm nice! also fresh raw bones lamb bones as lamb bones are softer than beef. 1 hrs chewing on a bone is = to an hour...
you should be able to get puppy training pads in any decent pet shop, you can get different size packs i know that you can get an economy size box which works a lot cheaper about 100 pads in it. if you have trouble getting them send me a note and i'll give you some numbers to contact so that you...
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