Havng won a couple of best in fields with the B.S.H.A. and a few reasonably prestigious awards within the N.W.C.C., Hannah (eg. Champion Whippet 2004-2005 8) )...I think that I am entitled to an opinion :p ......That doesn't mean to say that my opinion is worth any more than anyone...
Hancock has made a living, and good luck to him..BUT , a whippet doesn't need collie in it to make a working dog...they can creep, quarter, bring to hand, etc., etc. and never have been near a collie.....it's all hype.....but, if you've got a nice one (and you may well have)...good luck to you...
There is no such thing as "lure coursing"... I would be very interested to know how it is judged..........there is coursing, ie. live game, and there is chasing a lure..
When coursing, a dog is judged on its' ability to turn and control the quarry, often away from the dog with which it is...
Yes, Scott....keep posting....Every body is entitled to their opinion....opinions vary, maybe the truth isn't as flexible as some people would like,..see you tommoz. :D
Seraphina.....The idea is that the dog would be rated, before it is used by the total novice....So that the total novice is, at least, in with a chance of breeding a half decent litter.
I agree with all that about people shouldn't breed, dogs in rescue etc...but it's a free country, and people...
I'm talking about whippets, me old mate.....and trying to breed good ones....is that what your talking about?????.....I'll be at the Northern tomorrow.....you can talk to me there if you want....This thread isn't about anything else other than what I have said...You say what you think....it's...
All this irritates me slightly.....whippets should be discouraged from falling out with cats..
But any adult whippet worth its' salt will not be bossed about by a cat...
For years we had a cat which had lived with us on the farm...I loved him...big ginger and white job, but Piper had the...
This kind of list would be a starting point for people......maybe get them off to a better start than ending up on sombodies' personal, home-made website, where there is no regulation or restriction upon them bulling up their own dogs for financial gain....
I agree that everyone should do more...
As people seem to come to k9 as part of the process of selecting a whippet stud dog for their bitches........Not too surprising, because, as you all know, if you put whippet or similar in google, this is often where you finish up........Would it be a good idea for there to be a list of stud dogs...
If I have jumped to the wrong conclusion, I apologies, Mark.... Contrary to popular belief, I don't hold any office at the Northern......That is the first I have heard about moving the shed...Dennis, the chairman is on holiday....Thanks for your help.
You left the Northern of your own...
Where has all this come from............It's news to me that I'm such an evil so and so... obviously you know better......I can guess where the rumour started, there is only one person who has moved from the Northern to S.C......I wish him well and hope that he makes many new friends on the open...
Great news from Johanna and Sue.......WELL DONE
The "form book" for the N.W.WC.C. 2004-2005 season has been published and distributed now.....here are some extracts....
Recieved his badge and certificate at the last Champs for coming 12th in the W.C.R.A. Superstars Dog League....
and he is the top coursing dog (male) of the 2004-2005 season....He is equal second if bitches are included.....Skylark Majestic is top with 59...
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