I did Piper when she was young......Hven't done Barney or Twister.....Think they'd take a lot of loosing.
Never did a dog before Piper.....had them for 30 years or more...takes some loosing, a dog, in my experience.. (w00t) (w00t) :teehee:
Hi sparky.....I know some people are keen on taking feather, and you have had other dogs, so you know what you are doing (each to their own, etc.)...BUT iI would advice against encouraging him to take birds, especially at an early age....Get him fiixed on the bunnies and hares....Nobody needs to...
No sarcastic sniping intended (honest o:) ).......I take it there was no patronising superiority from the moral high ground intended either 8) ??
OH GOOD...It's all a misunderstanding then.....
I thought that there were two differing views of puppy rearing being discussed...for the...
Your health, and the Queens', Lampy.......it's my day off tomorrow....only hope I keep off the pc. when I've walked the dogs and downed the bottle of red :b :o
and another........anything which moves MAY be chased....rabbits, squirrels, leaves, birds, etc.........no lasting damage, and a VERY happy pup :thumbsup:
Thing is......there are rules....which, of course, we must adhere to, if we want to race in W.C.R.A. affiliated clubs.........and then there is common sense.....and then there is preaching to the converted.
I don't wrap my pups up in cotton wool, they run free as soon as they are capable of...
If the heaviest dog (therefore the one with the largest handicap) in the semis, is running in the blue jacket (because of his position in the heats)......Should he run from trap one (because of his handicap) or from trap two (because he is running in the blue jacket)......Or is it at the...
Perhaps an interesting topic for another thread.......What qualifies someone as an expert??????....At what point do we stop asking questions, and start answering them?????...........The line seems VERY blurred to me. :wacko: :b :teehee:
Wishing Every one success and happiness with their dogs...
Thanks for the advice, Ian.....I think that the more open the muzzle is around the top of the nose the better it will be...He was wearing the old type wire muzzle when this happened.
We've got him home now, a bit wobblly on the pins, but glad to be back, I think..They have confirmed that he has...
He didn't think much of the idea of no brekki this morning.......and even less when dad abandoned him at the vets :sweating: :( ........He enjoyed his early morning walk, even if I did make him wear his coat, and didn't let him off the lead :angry:
We have to ring this afternoon to find the...
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