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  1. J

    Open Plans

    I agree, June....if a dog needs to be seeded, it isn't as well trained as one which doesn't need seeding, and therefore should have to accept the consiquences...The best racing dog should win....Speed is the biggest factor in producing a winner, but there is more to a racing dog than that 8)...
  2. J

    Open Plans

    Firstly I'm not entirely convinced that club racing is in decline, nationally. I am not sure that people can be "forced" back into club racing by W.C.R.A. rules. It is possible to do both (opens and club) under the present regime...I do. :D Club racing is the first rung on the ladder...
  3. J

    Saucy Madam

    Blessss.........Good Luck :luck: :luck: :luck:
  4. J

    Saucy Madam

    Good Luck, Lampy...... :luck: :luck: :luck:
  5. J

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year And good luck for the 2005 season
  6. J

    Dogs At Stud

    Breeding involves some very subjective and personal decisions, Hannah.....I wouldn't pressume to pass judgement on you, your dogs or the decisions which you have made about breeding them...Breeding is an imprecise science, anything can happen....I hope your pups do well for you. :cheers: I...
  7. J

    Boxing Day Hunt

    I went along to the Cheshire Forest meet at the Duke of Portland.....It's usually a pitch battle with about 40 or 50 antis to get the hounds and riders away safely. This year there was about a 50% increase in supporters (150?) and 1 (yes ONE) car load of antis, a middle aged couple......I heard...
  8. J


    Having a lemonade every third one.
  9. J


    Oh Terry....some of that is not true.....anyway...I respect you ....both as a person,and as a breeder of dogs, which I know you love and care for.... All I can say is, I regret this exchange.....I hope that you do too....see you around.
  10. J

    Dogs At Stud

    :oops: didn't mean anticedents, did I?...meant decendents :oops:
  11. J

    Dogs At Stud

    All very interestig.......I agree that every one should be free to make their own choices and decisions about breeding..But I think a stud list of some sort could be usefull to bitch owners trying to select a dog... For the record...I would be VERY SURPRISED if any serious racer did want to use...
  12. J

    Dogs At Stud

    That seems pretty conclusive, beejay, thankyou...... I suppose that you are saying that choice of dog is entirely up to the individual...which I can accept. Is it, then unscrupulous in any way to advertise a dog as a "stud dog" when it has no particular merit????...does advertising a moderate...
  13. J

    Dogs At Stud

    Is there a W.C.R.A. or N.W.C.C. system of approving stud dogs????? If not...should there be???...dogs are advertised as having "raced" or "coursed with" a specific club......should they have WIN something before they are eligable for standing at stud ????
  14. J

    Wcrch Fuller Spirit's Babes

    He looks great, Scott......Jo text me, so I see the marriage has survived. :p Gabriel, long before there's a Micheal...... (w00t) ?
  15. J


    There are lots of good dogs out there Hanna.....and what suits one person doesn't always apeal to everyone, it wouldn't do for us all to be alike......I was asked for my opinion specifically, so I gave it.. Congratulations to Kerrecs Magic Dream and her connections, I wish them all the best for...
  16. J

    Tod Update

    Very impressive, know the high regard in which I hold you and your dogs... :cheers:
  17. J


    OOOooohhh...I don't know , Judy......they asked me :b ....I'm only trying to be helpfull.... It's very difficult to know how much is breeding and how much training....but I would also avoid any dog which has been disqualified for turning...I've seen some who make the exact same movements to...
  18. J


    jib.......refuse the task in front of them, give up....for instance come out of the trap and run straight back to their owner, or not come out of the traps. Or EVEN WORSE......pull up on a hare.
  19. J


    Becuse Piper was a maiden bitch, and is pretty dominant (watch her round the lure (w00t) )...I wanted a dog near by, geographically, so that I could travel 2 or three days in a row, if there were any it turned out, they mated 2nd and 3rd days...she tried to eat him, the first...