ye thats why whippet racing is declining to many changes FACT.As gary said we cannot get longer distances on straight and them wot like bend racing bend race personaly i do not like bend racing straights for whippets bends for greyhounds OMO
all this about yearlings,pups and no limits and there was a drugs proposal and knw one sayin nowt about that mmmmm wonder who vote not to have drug testing ?
well u should use clubs and not just for schooling or 1 day u will fined out there may not be a club there to school pups at.SUPORT YOUR CLUB/S.and to stay on subject john is right u lot were warned a few year ago scale it down but u never u went up.And as u lot knw if your dog grows over...
This is well out of order don/ruth do not deserve this sh-t.And as my sis in law as said if this is whippet racing u can keep it.Im thinking of not renewing my bwra membership anyways but things like this make me even think more of not doin it.Hope u 2 are ok and have a happy xmas and a good new...
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