Yes it is another subject, not on the topic and yet again made by a new member that no-one knows. As Linda said, make yourself known and then your thoughts can be taken into consideration without the suspicion that the person posting under a new name is someone already registered and wanting...
But surely if you capped it off at 48ld then u would not need to put extra weight groups on.If the weight groups not there such as 50ld+ that would stop a lot of big breeding what's going to be next 60+ 70+ ect if you keep putting weight groups up and people will breed more greyhound in to there...
also asked about this but never got a answer...well you have in non ped whippets up to 36ld up to 40ld why not up to 48ld and that will make people think when they breeding and if there is a over 48ld comes out somewhere along the line well its like any breeding whether its none ped whippets...
QUESTION: What is classed as a non ped whippet is it 3/4 whippetgreyhound or is it 3/4 greyhound whippet.what i mean by this is if the non ped as more whippet than greyhound in it does that makes it non ped.Or other way round if it as more greyhound in it than whippet is it a non ped...
well you have in non ped whippets up to 36ld up to 40ld why not up to 48ld and that will make people think when they breeding and if there is a over 48ld comes out somewhere along the line well its like any breeding whether its none ped whippets, peds of any breed its a chance you take omo
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