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  1. Chilibang

    My Little Scout Is Dead

    So sorry for your loss,Giving hugs to you and your family at this sad time. Run free little Scout. XXX
  2. Chilibang

    Wcrch Vc Blackbird

    So sorry to hear about Sam.I will always remember him dressed up as a blackbird at the Northern 10th anniversary fancy dress parade.Another win for him if I remember rightly.Such a fantastic dog.
  3. Chilibang

    New Game

  4. Chilibang

    Elvire & Stripey Tara Are Proud Parents

    Big congratulations Janis and of course Tara and Elvire :cheers: .So glad everything went well and can't wait to see the pictures :wub: . Gill.XXX
  5. Chilibang

    Gin Pit Results

    this is so funny !!
  6. Chilibang

    Photos From The Npwra

    Fantastic photos as always Trish :thumbsup: .Looks like everyone had a good fun day,welldone to all the winners and finalists :cheers: :cheers:
  7. Chilibang

    Champs ..

    RIP wrca
  8. Chilibang

    Im Never Walking The Girls Again.......

    PMSL,lucky they didn't fancy a sausage lol.
  9. Chilibang

    Fluke/meg At Arnside Today

    come on steve,get down and give her belly a rub lol
  10. Chilibang

    Cow Stampede

    is this true steve lol
  11. Chilibang

    Eating Trouble

    probably hormones m8,had the same trouble but it passed
  12. Chilibang


    Just a thought, will there be consolation racing at the Nationals as opposed to 1 run and you may be out at the champs??? Paul.
  13. Chilibang


    you won't be seeing me at the next champs,paul
  14. Chilibang

    Happy Birthday Gary Coulburn

    Happy Birthday for yesterday Gary, Hope you had a good one. :D :D
  15. Chilibang

    Sam (one Mo Time)

    I'm so sorry,what a terrible thing to happen. Sending Sam,Betty and Steve all my best wishes for a speedy recovery. :luck: :luck: :luck:
  16. Chilibang

    Hi Gill and Joyce, hope you're both well. Love to you both xx

    Hi Gill and Joyce, hope you're both well. Love to you both xx
  17. Chilibang

    Merrydown Lady September1st 1995 To 14th July2008

    So sorry Chris,Norman,Robin and Jan. I only went through the same thing with Indie not quite a month ago and know how much it hurts. Just keep thinking that she'll always be with you in your hearts and remember the good times. Thinking about you Gill and Joyce.
  18. Chilibang

    Happy Birthday To You

    A very Happy Birthday June :cheers: :cheers: I hope that Sweep and Nibs make it a very special day for you. :luck: :luck:
  19. Chilibang

    Club Racing 18/05/08

    Well done to June and Steve, and of course Smidge for passing his proving trials :cheers: :cheers: what a little smasher he is :huggles: . Well done also to all the winners looks like you had a fab day as always.
  20. Chilibang

    Happy Birthday Lesley (finalez)

    Happy Birthday Lesley :cheers: :cheers: