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  1. Chilibang


    I see Tilly loves the water as well as her sisters Tess and Steffi, I can't walk by the river without having the two of them on their leads or they jump in (w00t) and as for watering the garden with a hose pipe they just won't leave you alone :D .
  2. Chilibang

    Lets Play A Game

  3. Chilibang

    Bliss's First Show

    Congratulations :cheers: , what a great start. :huggles:
  4. Chilibang

    Racing Puppies

    Hi Dianne, Tilly's looking fantastic :D , I can't wait to take my lot racing again although Rafa's got pretentions of being a show dog :- " He and his 3 sisters are complete buggers too, they've wreked two telephones and don't even mention my garden as I haven't got one anymore (w00t) .
  5. Chilibang

    Racing Puppies

    Hi all, I have decided on speaking to a friend who is very knowledgable to hold the first jabs until they are at least ten weeks old, hopefully I'll be able to work out in that time how to take 6 wriggly pups to the vets without them escaping and wrecking the joint :- " Yes June my mum is...
  6. Chilibang

    Racing Puppies

    Tessie Tilly Libby Libby and possibly Tilly are still looking for homes :huggles: .If anybodys interested please pm me. See ya later Gill.
  7. Chilibang

    Racing Puppies

    OMG my babies are 7 weeks old already,where has the time gone!!!!! They're off to the vets tomorrow for first jabs and boy am I not looking forward to that. (w00t) Max Rafa Stephanie
  8. Chilibang

    Sasha's Babes

    Fawn and white girlie looking for a gorgeous new home. :wub: Red brindle girl also looking for a new home. :wub: The hardest thing about breeding a litter I've found is finding new homes for some when you want to keep them all (w00t) .
  9. Chilibang

    Sasha's Babes

    Brindle parti bitch aka Tess -Mine!! :wub: Fawn dog- needing a gorgeous new home. :wub:
  10. Chilibang

    Sasha's Babes

    Puppies at 2 weeks, where does the time go :blink: Blue brindle dog aka Raffa- Staying with my mum and his mum and dad. :wub: Black brindle bitch aka Stephanie-Katies. :wub:
  11. Chilibang

    Sasha's Babes

    Yes Judy there are 3 left, the fawn dog, and 2 of the bitches. I think I might keep the brindle parti :wub: but not sure. I am probably just being soft as she was the runt of the litter (4oz born/13 oz 10 days- will she make racing weight :o )and I had to work on her as she wasn't...
  12. Chilibang

    Sasha's Babes

    Forgot to say the puppies pedigree is. Whip up a storm -WCRCH Time flies x WCRCH Winds of Change. x Pearlway Sasha-WCRCH Red Devil x Perdita(WCRCH Time Flies x WCRCH Serena) A picture of mum and babies.
  13. Chilibang

    Sasha's Babes

    The three other bitches. Is it me or do puppies turn your mind into mush :blink:
  14. Chilibang

    Sasha's Babes

    Hi, I thought I'd better share some pictures of Sasha's babies born on the 5/10/06 as I've kept them all to myself for a while now (w00t) . I haven't got a clue which to keep although my little girl has already picked the dark brindle for herself. They are fawn dog, blue brindle dog,red...
  15. Chilibang

    My New Babies

    Hi, Yes Sasha is by WCRCH Red devil(by Indy's brother WCRCH Catch the wind x WCRCH Mona Lisa) x Perdita( Litter sister to your Mousey June,WCRCH Time flies x Wcrch Serena). Indy is WCRCH Time flies(WCRCH Striker x VC Mystique)x WCRCH Winds of Change(WCRCH Binfield bullet xRainbow). I hope what...
  16. Chilibang

    My New Babies

    Hi, Yes Sasha is by WCRCH Red devil(by Indy's brother WCRCH Catch the wind x WCRCH Mona Lisa) x Perdita( Litter sister to your Mousey June,WCRCH Time flies x Wcrch Serena). Indy is WCRCH Time flies(WCRCH Striker x VC Mystique)x WCRCH Winds of Change(WCRCH Binfield bullet xRainbow). I hope what...
  17. Chilibang

    My New Babies

    Hi, I thought I'd share some pictures of my new little babies born on the 5th October :wub: .Sasha is such a fantastic mum, and even had the decency to have them during the afternoon o:)
  18. Chilibang

    Request For A Pedigree

    Thank you so much everybody, :D your information has really helped. Cheers :cheers: Gill.
  19. Chilibang

    Request For A Pedigree

    Hi All, Does anybody out there know the pedigree of Copperhawk Country Cracker :wub: . I would appreciate any info very much. Gill.
  20. Chilibang

    Ch Oakbark Mystery Knight

    Hi everyone, I haven't done any posting on K9 before but here goes. :D I was just wondering if anybody had a picture of Ch Oakbark Mystery Knight and could tell me what the breeding of his dam Ch Oakbark My Spice Girl is. I was thinking about breeding a litter from my girlie Bethany but don't...