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  1. D

    Where To Lurecourse? Can U Help?

    mmmm! nothing seems to be coming up ..
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    Where To Lurecourse? Can U Help?

    mmmm! nothing seems to be coming up ..
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    Where To Lurecourse? Can U Help?

    thanks mark, i will try that. dorris.
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    Where To Lurecourse? Can U Help?

    i live in surrey a i wanted to know where the closest lurecoursing club is me. im also about 10 miles from horsham in sussex. ive got a whipet x bedlington and a bedlington terrier. can anyone help. cheers Dorris.
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    Adding you to my friends Amanda x

    Adding you to my friends Amanda x
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    Lurcher And Terrier Show, Chatsworth & Cock O North

    do have a post code for the address? do u no if they have a bedlington class? can we get a copy of the shedule. speak soon dorris.
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    Hello Amanda - will add you to my list too?

    Hello Amanda - will add you to my list too?
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    Tabley Game Fair Weekend

    theres a picture of mine on highclere photos doin the terrier racing. speak soon dorris
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    Tabley Game Fair Weekend

    looks like u had a dam good wkend, all those trophys, WELL DONE! :D dorris
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    Tabley Game Fair Weekend

    i like ur bedlingtons i've got one too.there great dogs aren't they. speak soon dorris.
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    Im A New Member

    hello summo how are you. have you had a good day.
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    Highclere Show

    i love the pic of the terriers have you got any more of the terriers mine is the bedlington i also had my whipet x there to . speak soon. dorris
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    Highclere Show

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    Im A New Member

    hi there . there are some photos on the lurche bit under highclere sun + mon my bedy winning the terrier racing. catch up soon.
  15. D

    Hi ya Dorris Thanks hun for adding me to youre friends list :) May see ya !! later in chat x

    Hi ya Dorris Thanks hun for adding me to youre friends list :) May see ya !! later in chat x
  16. D

    Im A New Member

    morning hun...hows u? robin sends batman lots of loving. is deez all ready for sunday? theres some pics of deez at highclere theres also one of sam and millie bless thereon the lurcher bit under highclere.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon butties.speak to you later hun.big hugs dorris
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    Highclere Show

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    Newmarket Pictures

    great pics! looks like they were all havin fun.
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    Baby Ferrets With Mum

    arnt they so cute. i ve got 6 ferrets they are great fun.
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    Im A New Member

    hello twinkletoes i like your photos. idont know how to put photos on im afraid. your terriers look like theirhaving fun.