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  1. Lunavioleta

    Male dog genital issues

    Hi thanks for the replies. I am not asking anybody to replace vet advice for me. I thought that with this being a dog forum with a health section that we were able to discuss health concerns and find out if anyone has experienced anything similar. Never mind then, I will just contact the vet.
  2. Lunavioleta

    Male dog genital issues

    Ok sorry to be a little graphic here but since I got my pup he's had a lot of spots around his genitals that come and go, at his last appointment the vet said to keep area clean. He's had lots of baths, wiped and even a little vaseline on the area. Last week he rolled on his back and there was...
  3. Lunavioleta

    My new pup Bear

    Aw thank you so much ☺ I'm sure Bear has big snuggles and licks for everyone for all your lovely compliments ☺
  4. Lunavioleta

    My new pup Bear

    Thank you, me too! It would be nice to see them more often, he sure does love his sleep ☺
  5. Lunavioleta

    My new pup Bear

    Thank you, I'm a very proud mum ☺
  6. Lunavioleta

    My new pup Bear

    My baby Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, Bear - 13 weeks old