I think we all take it for granted that they have "got it" but sometime we need to keep the praise up.
Has there been any changes in his diet, routine, has there been an increase in stress? Sometimes things like this can be an outward sign on stress. If you get worried maybe speak to your vet?
I hope that you made the right decision for all of you, puppy's are incredibly hard work especially when you have lots of other things on your plate as well!
Fingers crossed things have settled down for you now?
Has he got enough comforting things with him? Also does he has free run of the space downstairs? Have you thought about crating him so that he has his den area and then he has a certain amount of feeling safe?
As for the itching, my puppy was the same and after much reading I changed her food...
What an interesting subject!! I would say yes, as I know my theo needs lots of attention and excercise. Situmlation is key and if like us they don't get it I can imagine it does have an effect.
I would be suspicious of this, my experience has been that you meet at someone’s home or at the rescue centre (depends if the dog is being fostered) I would worry that these dogs may have been taken. Have they asked for a donation?
There is alot of advice about crate training and food assication. I always feed Theo in his crate and then straight out so that he knew that was the time to go. I found routine helps with everything.
I found with my Theo that a hot water wrapped in my t-shirt worked as he thought I was there. I didn't use a light or radio as I did not want to always have to have one left on to leave him alone.
Hope its all settled now.
I would keep an eye on him, if he is still unwell after 48 hours take him to the vets! Theo has done this before and normally within 24 hours he has got it out of his system.
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