So sorry to read this, fantastic dog who produce some top class offspring.
Our thoughts with Jake and Mary at this sad time, know how much your dogs mean to you.
May just be she is still feeling the effects of anesthetic, Biddy was like this with her 2nd litter, she had c section and didnt want anything to do with the pups at first but when anesthetic wore off she was fine.
Keep trying and hopefully she will take to them, best of luck, hope all goes...
Think dogs should only score for one club, altho some do run at diferent clubs on different days its not fair on others who cant if one dog can rack up 3 sets of points every week in the summer as they have clubs that run both days of the weekend and some midweek.
Personally I think the only way you gonna get more ppl club racing is cutting down the number of opens, even if you do advertise and get more ppl involved once they get their dogs up and running they are going to go open racing aswell. Everyone would much rather open race than club race...
Is this bank holiday weekend an English bank holiday or do we get that up here in Scotland aswell or is it just the dates of the usual bank holiday end of may have been changed?
never call the kettle calling black he will never race again done enough for us beating top class dogs half his age he can get fat now and hope theres a few puppies on the way witch we can race best no limit starter i have seen for a long time when his head is right
just had benson checked this morning his injury not as bad as we thourght torn the tip of the gracillus spot on everywhere else so very happy that hes gonna be ok hes back to his normal self now stealing what he can and put his sorry face on when hes told no but still gets his own way
benson proved to us all on sunday what he could do beating some top class dogs only to lame himself in the final and looking prety good at a 120 yards or so but thats racing bensons allways been a pet first and racing second and deserves a bit of pampering now he will allways be a champ to us as...
Agree with everything you have said, we have the same problem up in Scotland. When we have one day opens they are never well attended its just one of those things. The problem is we HAVE to travel for racing if we dont we just wont get any, we have 2 clubs in Scotland one is just over an hour...
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