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  1. stormy weathers

    Sup Ch / Ch Of Ch / Sup Nch Maid Your Point

    Congrats on the puppies. Hope everyone has got what they wanted.
  2. stormy weathers

    Sup Ch / Ch Of Ch / Sup Nch Maid Your Point

    Congrats on the puppies. Hope everyone has got what they wanted.
  3. stormy weathers


    Little Foxglove - Biddy and Little Rascal
  4. stormy weathers

    Sup Rch Sup Nch Ch Ch's Maid Your Point x Silver Spark

    Congrats, massive litter there, good luck to all having one.
  5. stormy weathers

    Nnwrf Bend Champs

    Just heard Sween took supreme. Massive well done Bill and Cassie
  6. stormy weathers

    Nnwrf Bend Champioships

    If Seans driving you down just get him to pick you up outside the pub and get some kip on the way down.
  7. stormy weathers

    Watch This Space

    So sorry to hear, youve had such bad luck lately. My thoughts are with you all. Valerie
  8. stormy weathers

    Watch This Space

    So sorry to hear you lost one, Best of luck with little Larry :luck: :luck:
  9. stormy weathers

    Handicap Results

    Kircaldy club pretty much finished up for the year.
  10. stormy weathers

    Up Date On Jimmy ( Cracked The Spell )

    Fingers crossed for him Yvonne, hope all goes well. He does look good in his jacket altho think you should take another when the cast off lol
  11. stormy weathers

    Scotland Holiday Pics

    We run the club there every Saturday but wont be another open there now til nxt year
  12. stormy weathers

    Scottish Derby

    Had a great time over both weekends. Over the moon how our dogs ran even rogi bear managed to get through her heat. Thanks to everyone that worked so hard to make the weekend a big sucess Tony on traps done a fantastic job helped out by Tam and sandra. Sean lure driver david Camera man Geordie...
  13. stormy weathers

    Scottish Derby

    Our 3 winners :)
  14. stormy weathers

    Scottish Derby

    Some photos of the weekend
  15. stormy weathers

    Scottish Derby

    Actually Danny I think it was once this year and once last was it not lol. My mum says that even worse. Well done to all winners over the weekend, tiger t, silver spark, soot a root, mr nobiddy, snow white, sugar rush, Sween in consolation, GWN heat winner, Storm breaker 2nd in scratch, SMOOTH...
  16. stormy weathers

    Porta Mag

    One for sale in the non ped racing section at the mo
  17. stormy weathers

    Tips 4 The Derby

    Only a few days now before the big day, gotta say its a hard one to call this year if the past wkends racing is any to go by, plus im sure afew more will be up for this weekend. Even tho I have nothing to run :( :( really looking forward to some good racing. Not gonna tip as dont wanna...
  18. stormy weathers

    George Haggart Memorial Open

    Well done to Jim with Soot A Root,
  19. stormy weathers

    Scottish / Championships 2009

    Well done to all winners, good days racing, some dogs that stood out for me over the weekend were, Fly Baby, GWN, Forever Autum, Soot A Root and of course Insane Jane, sure all these dogs will do well next week.
  20. stormy weathers

    New Game
