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  1. stormy weathers

    Two Words ......

  2. stormy weathers

    Tips 4 The Derby

    Do you mean Rogi Bear? I was thinking the exact same thing lol
  3. stormy weathers

    Tips 4 The Derby

    Aye we no doubt will get some rain but its always good for the track, been really sunny but with some heavy showers, Im sure we can all cope with that. Few ppl on the field already, looking forward to some fantastic racing
  4. stormy weathers

    New Mating

    Good luck, sure youll get some cracking pups out of this mating,
  5. stormy weathers

    Pups Born Midnight Run X Troubelle

    Well done to all, pups look lovely. The wee black one is tiny :wub: :wub:
  6. stormy weathers

    Scottish Debry 2009

    Think a few ppl will be setting off tonight, the weathers not been too bad, had sun during the day and rain in the evening and overnight so that should keep track soft. I unfortunatley have to work all week so wont be over til friday night. Hope everyone has a safe journey up. See you all nice...
  7. stormy weathers

    She Brave Top Ten Open

    Well done to all winners, shame you didnt get a better turn out.
  8. stormy weathers

    2day At Kirkcaldy,,,one Of Those Chilled Out Days Racing

    Yeah its not long now, cant wait. Im sure there were some photos of you last year looking a tad drunk?????
  9. stormy weathers

    2day At Kirkcaldy,,,one Of Those Chilled Out Days Racing

    Uve still not won a heat yet tho, im sure Smoot is Amys dog. im almost certain suzie has won a heat like, wouldnt put money on it tho lol you must be on more than beer if your thinking of titles
  10. stormy weathers

    2day At Kirkcaldy,,,one Of Those Chilled Out Days Racing

    Christ Geordie talking champions that a bit hopefull on both our parts. Lets just look at club record lol
  11. stormy weathers

    2day At Kirkcaldy,,,one Of Those Chilled Out Days Racing

    Hey i picked up a winner today just that she had her muzzle off lol Ack still think my records a wee bit better than urs like but your wee lass is doing pretty well with her dog. And Sean i have been know to get legless every now and then hahahaha
  12. stormy weathers

    2day At Kirkcaldy,,,one Of Those Chilled Out Days Racing

    How happy do you look in that photo when ur actually picing up a winner, sorry ur daughters picking up her winner. Less of the steven Seagal forest
  13. stormy weathers

    2day At Kirkcaldy,,,one Of Those Chilled Out Days Racing

    Actually Bob i wasnt moaning, i was just making a general enquiry as to why you didnt take pics anymore. i did offer to take the pics but was on line today so couldnt really do them for ya, couldnt have you on the line after you performance last week, didnt think to tell us you were colour blind...
  14. stormy weathers

    Scotish Champs And Derby

    Yep there are jackets for puppy and yearling scratch altho think payout depends on number of entries
  15. stormy weathers

    Scotish Champs And Derby

    Im sure youll have a great time Sadie. Small tip, dont go drinking with Toni McKay lol, she got your sis very drunk last year and she somehow managed to lose a flip flop en route home from the pub. :D :D
  16. stormy weathers

    Scotish Champs And Derby

    There will be ped racing, not sure of the format yet. Will find out for sure at the weekend.
  17. stormy weathers

    New Game

  18. stormy weathers

    Scotish Champs And Derby

    The Royal Highland Show in Edingburgh is on from 25th - 28th June :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  19. stormy weathers

    Scotish Champs And Derby

    Yes there will be vet scratch seem to have missed it off. Sorry bout that :cheers:
  20. stormy weathers

    Old Hall Today

    Well done to Walter and Black Bambi :D :D