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  1. JudyN

    I know I said insects would be off-topic for the forum, but...

    Oh definitely, and even better, they stay still!
  2. JudyN

    Pitbull puppy and my breast milk problem

    It's one of those things that when you think about it, it makes perfect sense - pup needs milk, sees you as his mum, and you make milk... after all, occasionally newborn kittens are fostered onto a lactating dog. But when humans are involved, we really can't get over the ick factor!
  3. JudyN

    Pitbull puppy and my breast milk problem

    I've no experience of this, but it's quite possible he can smell the milk - is he interested in the smell of your bra when you're not wearing it? But then pups do often nuzzle or nibble their owners, as it's a natural behaviour when searching out their mum's teats. How old is he now?
  4. JudyN

    I know I said insects would be off-topic for the forum, but...

    Ooh, lovely, thank you for posting these, MM :) I'll definitely give this a go when the bugs become more scarce - on the walk back from the shops to my son's yesterday I was sidetracked by a large clump of flowering ivy absolutely buzzing with Ivy Bees and was stuck there for 20 mins taking...
  5. JudyN

    I know I said insects would be off-topic for the forum, but...

    Ooh, I might just try a torch, thank you :)
  6. JudyN

    Will senior dogs adapt?

    Why not go for a holiday in a mobile home with them and see how they get on?
  7. JudyN

    I know I said insects would be off-topic for the forum, but...

    Ha, you get it then... which is why we can never stay clean for any length of time! I keep meaning to photograph fungi, but have decided that it's all about good light, and I'm not good at light. Do you use a flash?
  8. JudyN


    People, please... I've just come back to this spat. Enough said, let's move on.
  9. JudyN

    I know I said insects would be off-topic for the forum, but...

    You wouldn't believe the amount of time I spend peering into assorted greenery. Or the positions I have to get into at times to get the best angle - who needs yoga? 🤣
  10. JudyN

    Spine Disease

    Is this the same as invertebral disc disease, do you know? I found some info about it here: Intervertebral disc disease I don't have any personal experience though.
  11. JudyN

    Patella Luxation

    I hope it all goes well, MoT.
  12. JudyN

    Dry food hater

    You can simply reduce the amount of dry food you give her to allow for the extra calories in the wet food.
  13. JudyN

    I know I said insects would be off-topic for the forum, but...

    ... I thought you might like to see this incredible beetle I spotted a couple of days ago. I had to ask on a beetle Facebook group for help iding it, and luckily my post was spotted by a curator at the Natural History Museum in London, who told me that it was Donacia bicolora, aka the Two-Tone...
  14. JudyN

    Dry food hater

    Did your vet give a reason why she couldn't have wet food (or rather kibble with a little wet food) for both meals? It's not something I've come across before.
  15. JudyN

    Talking Pictures channel - “Out of Town” - Lurchers

    I always thought 'lurcher' was Romany for 'thieving cur' 🤣 Mr N thinks there's a chance we can get that channel, so fingers crossed...
  16. JudyN

    Talking Pictures channel - “Out of Town” - Lurchers

    Though in Jasper's case - Horror movie? Disaster movie? Nail-biting thriller? 🤣
  17. JudyN

    Talking Pictures channel - “Out of Town” - Lurchers

    Sadly, I don't think we'll be able to get that, but thank you. I had a google though - is this an episode repeated from 1981? I was interested that the page I found it on mentioned a 'related video' - Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons. Not sure how that relates to lurchers!
  18. JudyN

    Very specific toilet training issue

    I think as well as Joanne's suggestion, I would shut up the dog flap in the hope that she does learn to as to go out. For visiting friends in the meantime - if you're not staying for too long, I wonder if you could take along a foldable dog pen and cover the floor inside it with dog...
  19. JudyN

    Advice needed on what product is best for detangling fur. Advice needed at where i should start?

    I used a Furminator on my semi-longhaired cat as he hated having his 'nooks & crannies' groomed. It worked really well, helping to shift matts and removing enough undercoat to make a whole new cat. I honestly couldn't comment on whether it's wise to use one on on your pup, so this is just...
  20. JudyN

    Barley is settling a little more and we haven't given up...question about a dog sitter

    I think sometimes it helps to have a 'if all else fails' plan - in your case rehoming. I know I did in some dark patches with my dog. It can mean you feel less desperate when things are really hard, and so are more likely to push on. As for whether there might be a more suitable home for Barley...