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  1. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    Nicky, his legs seem to grow an inch every day (w00t) I thought Tia was looking so grown up too - and LOVE her tigerish stripes :wub: I'll try and measure Tito better today (he's snoozing on my OH at the moment -_- )
  2. J

    Tarka Bitten By A Snake

    phew, thanks heavens you caught it quickly. So glad Tarka's on the mend :huggles: perhaps hotter weather (where has it gone?) will encourage our adder population :( but then they only strike when hurt or cornered
  3. J

    Lets Play A Game

    clean..morning y'all
  4. J

    Lets Play A Game

  5. J

    Whippet Dog Available For Rehoming

    you're much better at this picture lark than I am - great to see Max and Addy - wonderful dogs :huggles: and great to see Kate too. A heartwarming story, Thanks :huggles:
  6. J


    they are such beautiful pups :wub: love the names. How could anyone choose - they're all GORGEOUS :wub:
  7. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    Thanks Janis - I've actually succumbed to the igloo bed (anderson shelter type) after reading the thread here and ordered one for Tito. Isn't owning whippets expensive (w00t) :) Hope he likes it even more than this one :thumbsup:
  8. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    there's also this funny bat ears one :clown: again in the cats' bed he has stolen for himself (they currently prefer our bed :huggles: )
  9. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    Oscar and Kobi look like his handsome big brothers :huggles:
  10. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    He is sooohandsome Dawn :wub: taking him the 100 yards to post a letter takes about half an hour as he has to talk to everyone and they all make a fuss over him :huggles: He asks to go out and tries to cock his leg when he wees :thumbsup: He eats ENORMOUS quantities one day and then...
  11. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    and send lots of love a licky kisses to Dawn and his brothers sisters and mummy o:) with lots of apologies for such small pics, I blame it on the computer :- "
  12. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    and went back to snooze a bit
  13. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    he tried the trampoline :oops:
  14. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    he had a great day in the wood :clown: but needed a rest
  15. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    Here is the gorgeous one lolling about in the CAT bed (w00t)
  16. J

    Nicky12,jostler,lois And Sarahloveland

    Tia and Billy are so big now and soooooGORGEOUS :wub: :wub: I love their markings. I'll try and get a couple of pics on for Nanny Dawn that I took of the Little Prince (Tito) today. Fingers crossed
  17. J

    Lets Play A Game

    piste :oops:
  18. J

    Lets Play A Game

  19. J

    Shhhhh I Having A Lie In.......

    what a happy snoozer -_- lovely pics of a gorgeous boy :wub:
  20. J


    lovely portraits of one handsome cutie :wub: I'm very impressed that he stand so well for stacking piccy :thumbsup: he's gorgeous :huggles: