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  1. shane

    Why Is My Dog Always Hungry

    Hi any advice will help my whippet is always scrounging for food, he has a small breakfast and tea with one or two treats during the day, but he tries to eat his brothers food and snacks, he will eat berries when out the bird feed try and get in rubbish bins!!! and now he has taken to eating his...
  2. shane


    My dog Pete age nine has chipped his large canine tooth :( bless him any advice?, he is eating and no pain, think he must have done it last week when he misjudged a wall!!, ooch hurt his shoulder and wounds to his legs all ok :wub: now but noticed the tooth today. He got excited and...
  3. shane


    :( My dog at an orthopedic surgeon this am fractured his back leg on Sunday having op today worst case he could loose his leg!, poor fella his brother is missing him. we are worried sick. Multiple fracture's and tendon involvment. poor love, surgeon is in Bristol and doing the op now!!, I am so...
  4. shane

    Happy Birthday

    :) Happy Birthday to everyone who's birthday is today 21st of May what a great day for us x :cheers: :D ;)
  5. shane

    Badminton Horse Trials

    Went to Badminton yesterday had a great day out :D , it was cross country day, lots of crowds, lots of sun and I have never seen so many whippets, grey hounds and Lurchers, they far out numbered Labradors and terriers. Didn't take mine as would have been to much for them they stayed at home...
  6. shane

    Dog Bed (help)

    Help I am looking for a soft cuddly extra large bed for two medium size lurchers to cuddle up in. I can find large but not extra large, well not unless I want to spend £70!! They like to get in together but have some room to stretch out, we have a smaller one for when they want their own...
  7. shane

    Birthday Boys

    Today my boys Peter and Smartie AKA Dumbriton Cast a Spell and Dumbriton Sorcerers Stone are 7 years old. :huggles: :cheers:
  8. shane


    Had to share this it brings so much joy to see them so happy with life and the speed they have :)
  9. shane


    My two whippets have been attacked several times and now they think the best form of defence is to warn off the other dogs with as much gusto as possible :angry: , so I am trying to control two demented whippets and appologise to other dog owners for their behaviour. I make sure I only let my...
  10. shane


    Took my whippet out with his Brother a week last Sunday and all fine. Then from that afternoon my dog became lethargic, shivery not eating and only taking minimal fluids. Vet said his temp was 3 degrees higher than it should have been!, no sickness or diarrhoea. Had injection of anti...
  11. shane


    My boys are now going to have to wear muzzels when off the lead, they have killed rabbits etc, but the other night it was awefull, they nearly killed a cat, I was hysterical it's a good job my OH was there. I found the owner, told them what had happend, they rescued it from under a van where it...
  12. shane

    Cold Whippet

    My one Whippet has a thin coat and feels the cold, he has a coat on to go out but even in the house he feels the cold and the central heating is on :blink: , he is only happy when the fire is on full blast and he is as near as possible. I am back to work next week so they will spend sometime...
  13. shane

    Frosty Morning

    Here are my boys on a great walk on a frosty morning Brrrrrrrrrrrr :)
  14. shane

    Pete's Leg

    Just to let everyone know Pete has been discharged from the vets :cheers: , he went Tuesday and was told the leg even though a little crooked was feeling strong and stable :thumbsup: We were told it should get stronger to increase his walking and to let him off for short walk's, when he is...
  15. shane

    Happy Birthday

    Peter and Smartie are 4 years old today :cheers: :cheers: :huggles: :huggles: :wub: :thumbsup: Otherwise known as Dumbriton Sorcerers Stone (Pete) Fawn and White Trim Dumbriton Cast A Spell (Smartie) Fawn and White Parti Sire Kuabaray Single Malt at Dumbriton Dam Dumbriton Rainon...
  16. shane

    Waiting For A Call

    While out walking, my one Whippet injured himself while running. It's his hind lower leg, vet said could be ligament or could be a small bone that has broken :( , we had to leave him at the vets where he will be sedated then x-rayed. Now killing time waiting for the vet to ring back with some...
  17. shane

    Good Home Wanted

    A friend of mine is a dog walker one of his clients died recently leaving behind a 7 year old placid Border collie (male) looking for a home. Anyone interested please let me know. :( Shane :thumbsup: