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  1. B

    He now needs to take things easy.

    So. Following Alfie's second pneumothorax, he had major surgery to remove parts of both lungs. His remaining lungs are still covered in small blisters called bullae which can burst and release air into his chest cavity which will cause further pneumothorax. We are convinced that his previous...
  2. B

    Cardiologist referral.

    So, following on from Alfie's surgery to remove parts of his lungs due to repeated pneumothorax, a biopsy has revealed that he has restricted arteries. He has been referred to a veterinary cardiologist and will need an ultrasound scan to investigate any possible heart defects. Has anybody else...
  3. B

    Restless Dog

    Hi all, I'm at my wits end. Alfie, my four year old lab has been discharged from hospital following a major operation to have parts of his lungs removed because of repeated pneumothorax. He's on tramadol and loxicom which we have no problem administering. He's sort of eating (chicken yes, kibble...
  4. B


    Hi there. As a result of a second pneumothorax, Alfie has a had a lung lobe removed from the right and a small part of his left lung removed. This has involved a full sternotomy. Has anybody had their dog having such major thoracic surgery. We have been told to keep his movements restricted but...
  5. B

    Sudocrem on staples?

    Alfie has had staples in for nine days now. There is a patch that looks a bit sore but not infected. Would sudocrem be ok to put on it?? I have used it in the past when he had a sore leg. A surgical staples site might be different though.
  6. B

    Sticks obsession

    Well after a very scary episode involving spontaneous pneumothorax it seems one possible cause of this was,Alfie vomiting two pieces of stick. He's stick mad and despite no encouragement from us, he will look for sticks to carry home. Can anybody suggest how to train Alfie out of his obsession...
  7. B

    Vet gave him paracetamol!

    Alfie is making steady recovery from his recent pneumothorax (see post on pneumothorax). Amongst his bundle of tablets were a bottle of paracetamol (500mg ) one to be given twice a day. My logical thoughts are that it must be ok if the vet gave them, however, I've heard so many other stories!!!
  8. B


    Has anybody experienced this with their dog? Our four year old Labradors operated on initially for bloat yesterday but is also having problems with pneumothorax and is still being monitored at the vets.
  9. B

    Biting A Game

    We've had our 9 week old labrador puppy for nearly a week now and he is settling in a treat. His crate training is going brilliantly and he is a dream. he comes from a good strong line of working dogs and so I would expect a degree of intelligence!!! But, now that he is getting more confident in...
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    How Do You Get Over The Loss Of Your Dog Best Friend?

    Hi there! We have recently had to put our beloved labrador Benji to sleep. He was only 8 years old and one night, suddenly fell very ill. He was in an awful lot of pain. Blood tests and X-rays showed a high chance of lymphoma in his intestines. Knowing that he was in a lot of pain, the vet gave...