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  1. F

    Over Zelus Mouthing

    I am total novice with dogs, he's a love but when pleased to see u he can mouth u quite a lot,it can nip but my dad has really thin skin so he can actually cut him.i say no firmly etc but he still loves to do it.any tips on how to stop it please. Just to add we start puppy classes next week so...
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    Bedlington Terriers Anyone Got One

    Mine will be six months soon and he is my first ever dog,I have allergies but am fine with him, he is absolutely brilliant in every way.we start puppy classes soon but he has already learnt so much.he sits lies down has good recall and is an all round fab friend to us all.i would recommend them...
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    Advice Re Leaving Dog Alone While Working

    Hi I posted here and puppy forum to get as much advice as possible I have posted before about being left in an awkward situation with my puppy.i have managed to get him to six months or will have on 8 th jan now with leaving him only short periods.he is crate trained house trained and an...
  4. F

    Puppy Home Alone Desperate Advice Needed Please

    We have a fab 19 wk bedlington who is an absolute love and super well behaved.the idea when we got him was a family member was going to help out while I was at work.anyhow long story short due to illness this is no longer an I am left now having to work and desperate to keep my lovely...