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  1. mad basset women

    I have a problem with ziggy my guide dog

    about 3 months ago ziggy my guide dog was attacked by an out of control Japanese Akita that got out of its loosely fitted harness I might add & pinned her down to the floor without warning on 3 attempts to attack her if it hadn't been for me literally having to drag ziggy out from under...
  2. mad basset women

    Hello I am a basset hound owner would love to meet more

    hello as you probably gathered i am a basset hound owner and i would love to talk to other basset owners i even made up my own forum for basset hounds & hound dogs as well i was so sick of going on forums for basset hound owners and everybody was so bitchy and i couldn't cope with it i can't...
  3. mad basset women

    New Home Needed Urgent Appeal For Ollie & The Ivy - Beautiful Lurchers

    can't believe these two are still waiting for a home poor things is there any lurcher rescues willing to take them on they have been in the dog pound since way before Christmas they must be so confused bless em...
  4. mad basset women

    Dogs Playing In The Snow

    thought i would post this for you to look at & some pics
  5. mad basset women

    New Home Needed Some Rescue Dogs Needing New Homes

    please think about giving a home to a rescue dog!/pages/Yorkshire-Humber-Rescue-Dogs/215456181798593?sk=photos_albums
  6. mad basset women

    New Home Needed Lovely Dog On Death Row Can Someone Please Help Him

    can anyone help this poor old boy he looks like a cross lab / mastiff can't understand why he is in the dog pound but he needs someone to love him :ermm: :flowers:
  7. mad basset women

    A Basset Poem :)

    Bassets with Erections Can't Climb Stairs Each night she's on the balcony, he loves her from afar His soft, sad eyes are hypnotized, she shines down like a star. His heart will break forever; his kind can't have affairs ... For Bassets with erections can't climb stairs. His home a humble...
  8. mad basset women

    Hello Im A Newbie & Basset Mad

    i am visually impaired i am a animal lover i have 6 dogs all together 3 retired guide dogs one witch we are boarding at the moment called Hazel then ramble my 1st guide dog then fern my second guide dog (just retired) & 3 basset hounds Jenny , June & Gorge not forgetting my cat Mell...