Hi! I got a Jack Russell pup yesterday born 24th of june.
My older dog whos only 14 months herself has been fantastic with her but the pup sometimes tries to suck her teets when shes lying down.. Is this normal?
She's on solid puppy food, drinks and poos fine..
Also to get to my back yard...
Just been to vets had a checkup and got weighed and she's 60lbs and healthy but shes small?
This is photo was about 2 months ago next to my little brother who's about 6 foot;
I'm just flabagasted that she's so heavy compared to my old dog who was 55lb but was pure muscle (EBT)
Her body is...
I'm wanting to buy a Jack Russell over the next month never owned one before any tips?
I currently walk my dog around an hour in the morning, 20 mins in the day and half hour at night will that be enough for a Jack Russell?
Any info would be great!
Hi, I love my dog to peices shes my fourth dog, (others have passed away) she's only 13 months old but she just wont stop pulling and running away from cars. I get to a road even if they're no cars she still tries to run as fast as she can to get to the other side. Oh and it took up to around...
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