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  1. S

    Ringcraft and Whippet club Cheshire/North Wales

    Hi Jax, does the lady mean Kirkby in Merseyside? If so when in April is it as i would love to go for a nosey?
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    racing in the northwest

    Hi all, was wondering where I could go to see some whippets race I live in Crewe and am looking for somewhere reletively local say a 50 mile radius. Is there a timetable or schedule posted anywhere.
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    puppy for sale

    oh dear this addiction could well get out of hand. Is he really that cute Vicky. As it is already embaressing how many people stop me every single walk to ask what Sky is and tell me how beautiful he can tell you're getting old when a it used to me me that old men stopped (let's not...
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    puppy for sale

    he is virtually identical to a 17 week old blue and white I bought from Barnsley before Xmas. Why are you selling him and how much had you got in mind? Would want him soley as a companion for other whip.
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    Hi everyone, having a son called Luke and a blue and white puppy there really was no alternative than to call him Skywalker, you should see the stares I get when I call Luke first and then the dog..we do obviously shorten it to Sky on the whole. But as we all know how addictive they are I have...