Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts. I'll definitely take your point about the classes and Amelia's stress into consideration. Judy's link on dealing with reactivity sounds like a good read, and I'm eager to explore alternative training methods that suit her better.
I've actually seen that...
What about my dogs, Boerboel, they are very protective and sometimes do not take too well to strangers. Socialization is crucial for Boerboels. This will limit their aggressiveness brought about by their strong watchdog instincts. Owners should always supervise them if strangers are present...
Just to clarify, the prong collar we use isn't the kind that chokes the dog continuously. It's actually fitted in a way that leaves plenty of room around the neck. The most popular ones here in Poland are the semi-choke prong collars that owners put on their dogs by sliding them over the head...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I totally get what you mean about making Amelia comfortable first. Thing is, where I live (Poland), it's pretty common to use muzzles and prong collars for training, with trainers emphasizing their importance. While we stick to regular collars and short leashes...
Wow, thanks for the thoughtful advice! Taking off the prong collar seems like a good first step. Your insights on why dogs might not listen totally make sense, especially the part about breed tendencies. Our trainer insists on using a muzzle and prong collar because there's a mix of breeds in...
I have a litter of puppies with different personalities. One of the female pups is proving to be quite a challenge when it comes to obedience. During our obedience classes where all owners let their dogs off-leash, I can't do the same. She starts attacking other dogs. The prong collar doesn't...
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