She doesn't act the same way every time in the garden one day she will play fight with our other dog the next day she will look out the door afraid to leave the house.
We have tried everything you have suggested gave her a piece of liver for every step she took got around the corner then she would run back home, people have said that blue staffies have this problem because of the breeding.
We got her at 8 weeks old she is playful in the house she is great with our other dog she was always nervous but has got worse as she she gets older she has been to the vet for her regular yearly injections we have had a dog behaviorist visit the house she regularly trembles when scared there is...
I have a staffy which is petrified of everything I can't get her to walk anywhere she anchors herself to the ground on my path and will not move I end up giving in and return back to the house she hasn't had a real walk in years
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