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  1. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Yes, I totally agree. It is the context of the situation. But I don't think the trainer is a (ahem) complex thinking person...more generalisations. Just ignore frightened pup (in most part), the end. Lol.
  2. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Barley was basically the star of the class! (well I think so :D). He started off incredibly shy, hiding under a seat and as time went on, he was the life and soul and responded to recall, trotting around, laughing at the other dogs, trying to play with them (in a reserved way) and his...
  3. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Thank you. If all else fails, I think she does do online support. The nearest Dogs Trust is over two hours away unfortunately. Will let you know how the class does go :)
  4. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Thank you. Oh yes, we all make mistakes. Bound to happen and I knew it would. I don't beat myself up for the mistakes and the ones bound to come still. But the trainer, I think we have to try with her. And I have extremely low expectations. Because straight away I can see a problem in that our...
  5. sparkle4ever

    Is there a way to change your profile pic please?

    He is certainly gorgeous
  6. sparkle4ever

    Is there a way to change your profile pic please?

    It worked! Thank you :D
  7. sparkle4ever

    Is there a way to change your profile pic please?

    oops, that was a bit big!
  8. sparkle4ever

    Is there a way to change your profile pic please?

    When I joined, the website automatically uploaded an (old) picture of me (I'm ancient really...joke). And really would prefer a picture of my pup to be there, like others here. But I have tried everything and just clicking on my 'avatar', it says I don't have permission and running into problems...
  9. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Thank you. Yes I will try to occupy him (the pup :D ) and that is a good idea to take him out and bring him back after OH has gone. Did see that flitting game, will take another look. Thank you
  10. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    He should just take him to work and I should leave home! (Gawd, I almost like this idea :D)
  11. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Thank you Joanne. That makes sense and will go along and see. And yes, I doubt anyone has questioned her. I am afraid that is me...there is always one that questions, I can say when I reflect on my life, it is always me! I never just roll over and accept (excuse the pun :D). But the SA...
  12. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Joanne, I did email the trainer, in advance of the first puppy session on Saturday. I outlined all about emotion and behaviour. All about what we have discussed. She did answer, but I was so exhausted, couldn't make it out really! Fell asleep while pup was quiet. So trying to understand it now...
  13. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    Yes that I can imagine. Very high maintenance! We almost had one that had been reared on a farm, didn't know inside a house, and that was even worse! Though I say that, after almost a week, I'd say what we have taken on would make anyone cry! :rolleyes:
  14. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Thank you so much
  15. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Thank you. And I totally agree with you. And I intend to say so too. As consider how many other owners are being given this advice and the resulting frightened pups. Good start when I haven't even started the puppy class!
  16. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    Indeed if it is say a coat on a chair that the dog suddenly gets frightened of, it is okay to go over and show him it is just a coat, etc. But she says no reassurance
  17. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    Springer Spaniel
  18. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    I think Alpha Dog is just the name and she is aware the theory is outdated. But no, she definitely says to ignore the puppy when he/she is frightened. I will see if I can find something that she has written as much of what she has said was in a powerpoint video where she speaks. But I will try...
  19. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    No our house is just too small for a large pen. We have puppy proofed areas but you just can't proof everything as I mentioned before. But yes, do have kong toys. I tried to crate him this morning when my partner was just in the garden, and he cried constantly and tried to scrabble his way out...