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  1. P

    Unmarked pill

    Thank you all for responding. Update is, vet did send a photo of manufacturer’s pill packet & I could see photo of pills on it did not have any imprint. She also phoned up to tell me - all pills in Jordan are blank, no imprints - apologise that label was missed off on the clear packet given to...
  2. P

    Unmarked pill

    Yes, 7 months but not yet had heat or litter. Vet explained can come prior to or at the same time as heat, so this infection is not just after birth. Many of the articles talk as if so though.
  3. P

    Unmarked pill

    My puppy has been diagnosed with metritis in Jordan. The vet prescribed Cefalexin & I was given a small clear packet with pills cut in half. The pills have no imprint nor is there any identifier label on the packet. This all seems very odd to me. However, I am new to vets & dogs, so I have no...