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  1. sadieandco

    Never say never

    Pups from never say never n greyhound
  2. sadieandco

    Never say never

    You can run in both organisations, you have to register your dog with the organisation and pay an annual membership fee. Both are equally popular and the same dogs run in both.
  3. sadieandco

    Never say never

    Rch are run for at the BWRA (British Whippet Racing Association) championship events and dogs run off in 2lb (16lb - 32lb) weight classes off level breaks the winners gaining this title. Nch titles are NNWRF (Nationa Whippet Racing Federation) championships again run in 2lb weight classes but...
  4. sadieandco

    Never say never

    Never say Never was out of my bitch two faced x bound too and is owned by me his full pedigree can be found on the bwra database. May I ask reason for interest ?
  5. sadieandco

    Do Whippets Need Grooming?

    I use a (horse) rubber curry comb to brush my dogs it's the best thing to get loose hair out in my opinion plus the dogs love it cos its like a massage tool too :)
  6. sadieandco

    Askern Meeting No.2 - 13Th Jan 13

    We will be holding another meeting at Askern this Sunday. After the success of last week, seems there is quite a bit of interest in a few more meetings so if anyone interested there will be another meeting same format as last week. Of course dependent on number of entries and weather permitting...
  7. sadieandco

    Nch Never Say Never X Divalicious

    Hope this works this should be the trial pedigree
  8. sadieandco

    Nch Never Say Never X Divalicious

    Thanks Karen, she comes into season every 5 Months so i cant get her race fit quick enough for her to show what she can actually do before shes back in season again so seemed the right thing to do , to give Chief his first attempt as a stud with our own bitch, good practice for future maybe lol...
  9. sadieandco

    2 X Rch Hellsdouble Has Been Mated Today

    They are all lovely looking puppies :luck:
  10. sadieandco

    Nch Never Say Never X Divalicious

    I am pleased to announce that Nch Never Say Never has naturally Mated Divalicious yesterday and today So fingers crossed for Puppies!!! Never say Never (Bound Too x Two Faced) Divalicious ( Just Friends x Acca) (w00t)
  11. sadieandco

    Askern Club Racing

    Hello all, just a quick Question would any of you be interested in Club Racing at Askern???? I'm enquiring as obviously the stadium would need paying for so trying to find out if it would be worth it or not??? Possibly pre entry, 2 runs guaranteed, £5 a dog, format to be decided and payout would...
  12. sadieandco

    2 X Rch Hellsdouble Has Been Mated Today

    They are all gorgeous but love the little black and white boy! Good luck with them all xxx
  13. sadieandco

    Saturday Slow Day!

    I'm getting ready to take my Diva for a race!! How do the dogs know what day it is? I'm upstairs getting ready and she's sat down stairs whining which she never does through the week only on a Saturday and Sunday which are race days??? Lol
  14. sadieandco

    Finally Friday!!

    Hmmm well I've had lots of chocolate today! Myself, mum and sister all work in the same school (my children go to our school too lol) and with it being children in need today my mum offered me out to making t-shirts for all the admin staff (she works in the office) and as a thanks I got a big...
  15. sadieandco

    Thank Crunchie It's Friday!

    My next door neighbours little girl has foot and mouth! It's going round a lot of schools round here apparently :( I thought only cows got it too lol
  16. sadieandco

    Freeeeeeezing Thursday!

    My English bull had metacam a couple of times after having her nails cut at the vets as she has really long wicks so needs them cutting and obviously would be painfu! but my Molly has had no bother after having it there's no limping or pain shown so in my books I think it's a great pain killer...
  17. sadieandco

    Nnwrf Bend Championships

    Good luck to everyone can't wait for an enjoyable day :)
  18. sadieandco

    Freeeeeeezing Thursday!

    It's my youngest I have to be carful with she's 4 and any little cough or cold goes straight to her chest she had pneumonia twice in 6 months last year I'm gunna try to avoid the hospital this year haha I wish it was summer all year round :) Jamesydog that is a great idea hahaha if only my...
  19. sadieandco

    Freeeeeeezing Thursday!

    Thanks Dizzyjenni :) it's the time of year for coughs and colds isn't it! I would have been a panicking wreck if I'd have found out my kids school was on fire! Glad all was ok tho! Sadie
  20. sadieandco

    Freeeeeeezing Thursday!

    Wish I had chance to get the house work done haha got 3 poorly kids keeping me on my toes! And then I've got my English bull terrier in season flirting with my 2 whippy bitches! Don't ya just love kids and dogs haha they always keep us busy :) but I wouldn't change it :)