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    Seems I can leave a comment!

    Seems I can leave a comment!
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    I do hope an IG doesn't upset your shadow Poppy :o 3 of my Whippets were horrified when I brought tiny baby Georgia home :( Gracie adored her from day 1 & became her Mother. However Gracie's not the brightest chick on the planet ;) But the others took a long time to accept her.
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    Yes they do! I can't move without Georgia. She follows me everywhere & wants to be on my lap all the time. She will even sit on my lap when I'm on the loo if she can :blink: She sleeps with her head on my shoulder every night no matter how hot it is :sweating: IG's are far more demanding...
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    What is cwtchy????????
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    They have more energy than Whippets! After their walks the Whippets are quite happy to sleep but Georgia still wants to play ;)
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    Georgia has the same amount of excercise as the Whippets. About 30 minutes road work in the morning & an hours walk in the woods with free running in the afternoon. However I never allow her to run free at the same time as the Whippets. They are much larger than her & if they crashed into her...
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    Georgia has the same food as the Whippets! A small amount of Berties dry as a base with freshly cooked chicken, lamb or beef. Sardines 2-3 X per week & eggs 2X per week. I also cook a chicken/rabbit & vegetable stew, with carrots, peas, squash, apple & sprouts. They all have this every day &...
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    Marie it's not in the north. It's at Loseley Park, Nr Guildford Surrey :thumbsup:
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    I Want An Iggy

    Before I approached any breeders about IG's I read Lilian Barber's book "The Italian Greyhound 21st century" You can buy it at : It's not available at Amazon UK. It's an excellent book & I highly recommend you read this before making any definite decisions :thumbsup:
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    Congratulations Mabelline And Zoe B

    A cynical person may indeed :lol: But regardless of the original motive for bumping up this topic it was a wonderful day & now of course Zoe B is a well deserved champion :cheers: :thumbsup:
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    Happy Birthday!

    PMSL!!!!! Oh so do I ;)
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    Chelsea Is 10 Today

    Happy Birthday Chelsea :wub: Hero sends you a special birthday kiss :huggles: ;)
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    Designer Dogs Vs Pedigree Dogs

    Very succinctly put :thumbsup: Unfortunately a lot of people who want to breed crosses these days are only interested in £££££££££££££ & sadly, as you say there seems to be people who will pay stupid prices :- " :(
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    Designer Dogs Vs Pedigree Dogs

    That's an excellent article! It was also posted on another forum where it received a very positive response.
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    Stolen Kiss !!

    :lol: Storm looks kind of embarrassed! Maybe it's because you captured their tender moment on film :p ;)
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    The Kennel Club Accredited Breeders Scheme

    :lol: Brilliant Jan :thumbsup:
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    Scarey Monty Pics

    (w00t) That's not Monty!!!! Someone swapped him for a very scary changeling :lol:
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    Any Dream Will Do

    I'm delighted that Lee won! He's by far the most talented & will make a fine Joseph ;)
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    Any Dream Will Do

    Only someone suffering from a terminal case of politically correctomania could accuse you of racism!!!!! :p ;)
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    Whippet Club Of Scotland - Any Results Yet, Please

    :cheers: Well done everyone :thumbsup: