I and everybody in the meeting didn't know anything had to be bought to try them Gary.We were told they had been tried,which is why Linda and Karen was approached by me to hopefully set up a date for the top table to see them in action.An offer of help is always a good thing,but seeing as we...
Thats really put the cat among the pigeons Linda.We now know from what you've just said that the top table cant see the Fed traps working as a block trap,as you dont have the equipment so that this can happen.Somebody needs to inform the top table that the option is now not available,and that it...
I thought after the meeting we were on our way to sorting it out ? It was agreed by the members at the meeting to have a look at the Fed traps,working as a set of block traps (for those that don't know the Fed traps can be connected to work as a set of block traps) I personally asked Karen...
Pops babies in there new homes
In order Dexter belonging to Vicky and Dean,Alba belonging to Valerie,and Evie belonging to Daz and Amanda.Berty has gone to Brian ,Chris and Sally (Claptrap) at Old Hall,but no pics as of yet
Pictures of Dexter in his new home.Looking forward to welcoming Vicky and dean to the wonderful world of whippet racing.As you can see he's settling in already
Yvonnes altered the way she puts the pics on FB,so I can only download the file and not the pics.I've told her off :lol: and told her to go back to the way she was doing it before,so hopefully proper pics again soon Amanda xx
Reads like a great day.Gutted i couldn't be there,think it's the first i've missed.Big Congrats to all who took their titles yesterday :thumbsup: Special mentions for Shel and Tam with little Winnie,Mick and Gloria and their special lad Classic Rock,not sure how many titles he's got now,but...
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