My old boy had a boute last December and now has Hills id diet which I assume is much the same as the RC.
They need to have low fat so as not to put any strain on the pancreas, but I aslo give him tinned chappie and this works fine, as its low fat, easy to get a hold of, and inexpensive...
If you use a spot on like Advantage you only need to give the dose for tape worm if your dog gets infected with them.
This it what my vet advised me to do with my whippie.
I must say I find it so sad what they have done to the labradore breed, many years ago when I first left school I worked in a kennel that trained Labs for gundogs, and they were all without exception wonderful dogs.
But the gundog people would never have stood for any bad temerament as they had...
I have to say I agree with Liza about some show dogs being fast.
I race at sussex long dogs and we have classes for KC pedigree whippets the races are over 150 250 and 350 yards one race at each distance per meeting.
There is a dog running very well at the moment who is half way to becoming a...
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