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  1. Q

    Nervous and Easily Spooked

    Thanks for all the replies everyone. I have an update. The new fence is finally up and he can defiantly not see over the top and neither can the two next door which is gold. The only problem now is that the noises. We have let him off the lead in the garden now. The first two times were fine...
  2. Q

    Nervous and Easily Spooked

    Thanks for all the replies. These are all great advice and we are going to take action with them and see how we get on. In response to the phone. It’s not the actual ringing. It’s as soon as you say hello. He’s up and running around the house and then starts barking. My partner works from home...
  3. Q

    Nervous and Easily Spooked

    Thank you for the reply. The inner fence idea is good. As we have quite a large patio area that is separate to the grass. We are going to use the old fence panels to block the two off and give him access to the paved section for now as it’s closest to the door and then he won’t be to see in...
  4. Q

    Nervous and Easily Spooked

    Hi everyone. I need some help and advice if possible. I have a border collie who is almost two. We rescued him from a farm where apparently he was going to be shot if no one wanted him. He was left abandoned in a barn with rotting meat and a dirty bowl for water. His skin was dry and full of...
  5. Q

    In need of some serious help

    Hi, I'm in need of some serious help. I have a 18 month old basset hound, who started out great with his training and classes and now he is literally turning into a nightmare. He has started biting and I'm not sure why. He has bite me which has scared my arm and he also bit my dad last night...
  6. Q

    Two questions

    Hi Everyone. I have a 15 year old basset hound puppy. He has been doing well with his training a far. He is house trained, he knows sit, stay, lie down, paw and bed he's also starting to learn roll over. I understand Basset hounds are one of the hardest breeds to train due their stubbornness...