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  1. Find&See

    Official Find&Seek

    Find&See submitted a new resource: Find&Seek - Find great dog walking locations from around the UK Read more about this resource...
  2. Find&See

    Find&Seek 2018-05-30

    Find&Seek aims to share great dog walking locations across the UK. We want to help everyone to discover those hidden gems that are right on their doorstep. At the moment we are mainly Warwickshire based, as this is a relatively new page. However if you believe in this as we do please subscribe...
  3. Find&See

    Upset today

    I've had the same problem with hazel when she sees people and dogs. She manages to turn whatever ground she's on into a treadmill... With her I found a really smelly treat under the nose to get her concentration on me and then ask her to sit, lie down and basically focus. It helps but we are...
  4. Find&See

    Finding dog walks

    Apologies I've so far only been putting my walks on there, if you leave an email on the blog subscribe page I can keep you up to date on the new areas
  5. Find&See

    Finding dog walks

    So it sounds like loads of people are having the same problem! I started tracking my walks here I'd really like to develop it further to help others. I just don't think it's OK that people have to go to such lengths to find a walk, what do you guys think?
  6. Find&See

    Finding dog walks

    I'm just curious, I'm using the same technique as you as well as getting 'lost' on a weekend when I have nothing better to do. It seems a little crazy that in this day and age this is the solution. Especially when there are so many un-used footpaths.
  7. Find&See

    Finding dog walks

    Hi all, I was just wondering how everyone finds new places out take their dogs and what they look for? Look forward to hearing your replies
  8. Find&See

    Everyone meet hazel

    That's one way of putting it :D She is often called a character! Cheeky but not a nasty bone in her body
  9. Find&See

    Everyone meet hazel

    Actually she has shown this sort of behaviour, she also seems to have a very soft mouth. A baby bird fell out of the nest into our garden about a week back and she brought it in and dropped it at our feet with not a mark on it :O
  10. Find&See

    Everyone meet hazel

    She was sold as a cockerjack but let's face it she's a moungrel but I don't think there should be anything wrong with that. Yes you get more unpredictability in how she will grow up, but I've found it fascinating to see the different parts of her personality appear.
  11. Find&See

    Today's Walk

    This is an idea I recently had aswell, I've struggled to find walks given im new to my area. I've started sharing them here: Find & Seek - Dog Adventures. I'd love to add some of your favourite walks aswell. If anyone would want them shared (and credited) please drop me a message
  12. Find&See

    Everyone meet hazel

    Hi all, This is our dog Hazel. She's a cocker spaniel cross jack Russel and is just coming up to 12months. You can follow our walks here: Find & Seek - Dog Adventures