I’m not sure you can tell from just one visit. Maybe she was a bit scared? Maybe she was just a bit ill that day. We took the liveliest puppy in the litter and he was the one that ended up having health problems. Still absolutely crazy, but with elbow issues!
I get a tube of pâté like paste, put some in the muzzle ..... then feed it through the muzzle aswell. It takes time to get used to having it on.... but if my crazy dog can do it, any dog can!!!
My dog was treated for an ununited anconeal process at 4 months old. He had it pinned plus an ulnar osteotomy. Surgery seemed to work, but 2 years on he has gone lame again.
Had X-rays and ultrasound and it looks like it’s arthritis. Vet says pretty much the only/best thing to do long term is...
My dog was/is the same! He’s much better than he was.... but still if he sees a deer or mountain goat that I won’t let him chase OH MY GOD. But at least he has stopped using my clothes and limbs for mid walk games of tug :eek:
Darn. I want my next dog to be a female, but it’s a big op to neuter a girl.... plus there’s still the first season to get through anyway. Prob not gonna work :(
Is it possible to have a neutered male living with an intact female? Would he not be interested when she was in season, or would it still drive him crazy? Thanks.
Yep muzzle training takes time. I put (cheap) pâté in the muzzle to train him...... he loved sticking his nose in to lick it out, and after a while we built up to fastening it up. Even now he’s used to it, I always put pâté in it as a treat for putting it on!
I don’t have much advice on sorting it out I’m afraid. She’s obviously scared.
what I do recommend is that you start training her to wear a muzzle. We did this, even though our boy is generally a big friendly softy, he won’t tolerate stuff being done to him, vet treatment etc ... hence...
I live in Switzerland, so my insurance (Animalia) is no good to you... but all are similar. Surely the breeder is paying for his first jab? Maybe a comparison site can help you choose the best insurer/policy?
have a read of this first Cheap Pet Insurance
My dog is a nightmare to do anything to, including nail clipping. We live in Switzerland and we always have a tube of “Le parfait” in the house, which is basically cheap pâté. One of us feeds him pâté from the tube whilst the other “operates” (clips nails, removes tick etc). I’m sure you could...
The insurance I have is immediate for accident and has 1 month wait for illness. Plus it pays out some money for vaccines. So depending on the terms of the insurance you are looking at, might be best to start it earlier rather than later.
My boy was exactly like that. He’s got a lot better since he was about 2 years old.... but he regularly had me bruised, ripped clothing (he would play tug with my trouser leg and jacket sleeve (once my jacket hood) and in tears! I tried ignoring him, but try doing that when he’s playing tug with...
So sorry. My boy broke his elbow/elbow dysplasia when he was 4 months old. I was also devastated. He had to have his elbow pinned, and his tibial bone sawn in half and metal rods put inside the bone. It was horrific and the vet said there was no guarantee that it would work..... but he's 2.5...
Very tricky to plan that far ahead.
What if you get a different job than you’re expecting in 2 years? What if you and your bf split? What happens if he is posted abroad for longer and you go with him? etc etc.
I think with a dog it’s better to wait until you are relatively settled (and even...
A dog that’s always hungry.... sounds like a pretty normal dog! My dog can hear the fridge open from the other side of the house, when he’s in a deep sleep & be there in milliseconds! :eek:
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