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  1. RGC

    The Dog Cafe

    Brilliant news. Congrats all round.
  2. RGC

    12 whippet puppies

    How’s it all going with Rosie and the little ones?
  3. RGC

    Raw food/ weighing out/ storing?

    You could place the required weights in freezer bags.
  4. RGC

    Tennis players Itchy bits and pieces !

    Honestly, you ladies make me blush.
  5. RGC


    I’m not an expert but our whippet gets itchy during the grass season so I give her half an Apoquel tablet daily from March until October. This does work as, without it, she was scratching like mad and within a few hours of the first tablet the scratching stopped. Cheaper to buy a prescription...
  6. RGC


    Afraid that in my neck of the woods it’s the wild boar which present a nuisance. I’ve taken to avoid certain areas to walk Mabel in Spring. There have been casualties with dogs. When does control become cruel?
  7. RGC

    Is my girl just vocal or nervous around other dogs?

    Happy birthday, Timber.
  8. RGC

    12 whippet puppies

    Collective noun for whippets - tangled bagpipes?
  9. RGC

    12 whippet puppies

    Wow! Hats off to you all. There's dedication. They're lovely.
  10. RGC

    Please tell me this will get better...

    I'm not an expert by any means - we had enough trouble when we took on Mabel. There's a game/task which Mabel does on her own. Like most sighthounds she'll eat for England. I hide a treat (half a Lily's Kitchen Woofbrush veggie chew) somewhere in the house and it's Mabel's task to find it. I...
  11. RGC

    A ferrety update

    My heart goes out to you, Flobo. I'm sure the individual vets are dedicated but, yielding to my my cynicism in my older age, I question the priorities of the paymasters (corporate). It's a shame that you have no exotic surgeons within easy reach. Hope things improve for Goose.
  12. RGC

    12 whippet puppies

    Wow. What a litter. Rosie must be absolutely cream crackered. They look super. Hope it all goes well. Please keep us up to date with their progress.
  13. RGC

    Freddie updates

    I’ve always followed the maxim of patience. Allow the animal their own time and space. Through your good grace you’ve rescued them from one ‘institution’ (physical or spiritual). Exchanging that for your own still imposes a restriction if he hasn’t been allowed time to fully assimilate his new...
  14. RGC

    Front leg Pain - Help!!

    For what it’s worth I had no problem in obtaining my vet’s approval to take Mabel to an animal chiropractor. Another (much experienced sighthound owner) recommended Beth (chiropractor) so I just demanded that relevant notes were conveyed. First of all Beth administered acupuncture which relaxed...
  15. RGC

    Barbara Woodhouse

    I was shocked at the belligerent sounding commands which were encouraged. You could see that the poor animals were intimidated. Difficult to explain, you’ll have to see it on iplayer.
  16. RGC

    Had to share!

    It’s emphasised that the training methods used aren’t condoned currently. It’d be funny if it weren’t for the dogs’ dominance.
  17. RGC

    Barbara Woodhouse

    Is anyone watching this on BBC4? Takes me back to my early schooldays being taught by nuns through fear. Those poor dogs. I can’t take this trauma - going to watch “Rebus” for therapy.
  18. RGC

    Had to share!

    Currently watching BBC4’s rerun of “Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way”. Can’t believe it. Cringy.
  19. RGC

    Unable to walk

    From Mabel.x
  20. RGC

    Unable to walk

    Hoping for a gentle recovery.