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golden retriever

  1. PBK

    Retriever won’t retrieve!

    Any tips on how to get a golden retriever to bring the ball back? He loves playing fetch but as soon as he gets the ball he loses interest in it, drops it and waits until I pick it up and throw it again. Or keeps hold of it and wants me to chase after him to get it.

    Love to dogs

    From a young age until now, I never lost love for pets. They are in most cases better friends than humans. I really feel this connection with them and they really understands you. I hope I will learn some new stuffs in this forum, and to share my knowledge with you!
  3. Bonnie_Rosie

    Double trouble!

    Hi, thank you for letting me join the forum. We are first week into owning our new 10 week old golden retriever pups X 2!! We had two from the same litter before who were exceptional dogs so thought it would be a good idea as hubby has just retired to do the same again - what else can you do in...