Hi There Guys
I am new to this website and i am in need of your advice. I Have a two year old male husky from a rescue centre i dont know too much about his past but i do know that he was attacked at a young age by a staffy. Anyway he is absolutely fine with everyone in my house but when i walk him he trys to have ago at other dogs and due to being a husky he gets lots of attention anyway a man tried to say hello he let him sniff him first and everything but my husky just started growling and lunging up at him. I really have no clue what to do i have had big dogs before but not with agression. Do you think he's to old to be socialised? If Not can you give tell me how to let him have a better relationship with other dogs and people? Should he be muzzled?
Any advice would be great

I am new to this website and i am in need of your advice. I Have a two year old male husky from a rescue centre i dont know too much about his past but i do know that he was attacked at a young age by a staffy. Anyway he is absolutely fine with everyone in my house but when i walk him he trys to have ago at other dogs and due to being a husky he gets lots of attention anyway a man tried to say hello he let him sniff him first and everything but my husky just started growling and lunging up at him. I really have no clue what to do i have had big dogs before but not with agression. Do you think he's to old to be socialised? If Not can you give tell me how to let him have a better relationship with other dogs and people? Should he be muzzled?
Any advice would be great