Hi All,
I hope you can help as I am now very worried.
About 2 months ago while walking our dog on a lead.
An off lead dog jumped at my daughters face and kept jumping at her. The other ladies daughter about 10 years old tried to pull the dog off. My daughter screamed and our dog jumped at the other dog and knocked the little girl over.
The other woman said she would not take any further action if we did not.
Today we had the Police round regarding the dog bite incident. They are claiming our dog bit her daughter.
Will our dog be seized and is there anything we can do?
I hope you can help as I am now very worried.
About 2 months ago while walking our dog on a lead.
An off lead dog jumped at my daughters face and kept jumping at her. The other ladies daughter about 10 years old tried to pull the dog off. My daughter screamed and our dog jumped at the other dog and knocked the little girl over.
The other woman said she would not take any further action if we did not.
Today we had the Police round regarding the dog bite incident. They are claiming our dog bit her daughter.
Will our dog be seized and is there anything we can do?