in june this year my staffie girl started whelping. however, it was taking an alarming amount of time (full blown baring down for nearly 4 hours before she produced her 1st pup) which the stud dog owner told me could endanger her life. i took his advice and phoned the vet just to let him know that we might be bringing in our, i'm no expert, but shouldn't a vet actually SEE the patient before passing judgement? as soon as i said 'staffie' his response was "right, she needs a c section". my oh and i discussed this at length. after all, this was her 1st litter, she was in peak condition, and aside from the time it was taking, she showed no sign of distress, in fact seemed alert and chilled out.after 45 minutes, we thought 'ok lets take her in'. once we got there, my oh went in to tell the vet while i remained in the car with her and the puppy. after he went inside our girl had a 2nd pup, on the drivers seat! bless her ! we finally got the 3 of them into the surgery. our vet told us she should have the c section asap. we actually had to TELL him to give hormone injections a try before such drastic measures. after the jab she had another puppy. he then told us again she needed the op, and worked out the cost on his pc. my oh noticed that for each medication that came up, the vet always clicked on the most expensive option. once he was done, the vet calmly informed us the final cost, not inc vat, would be £889.38 :rant: thankfully, his shift ended and the next vet said the op wasn't needed for simple uterine inertia. she went on to have 7 in total, and was a great mum. should such vets be allowed to practice? i've read that c sections can be very traumatic, and that some bitches reject their puppies as a result.