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Barrontop Farm Dog Show


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Just found this site. Was wondering if anyone could give me any information on the Dog Show held at Barrontop Farm. I saw it advertised in the Country Man's Weekly. I was wondering who was organising it. Is this the first year?
hi and welcome to k9 :huggles:

sorry dont know anything about the show :b
Sorry no help here either, :) but welcome to the site. :thumbsup: Diane
This is,or was,the DONEMANA show,from last year,which was a big success.It is held at Barrontop farm,near Donemana.Strabane Lurcher &Terrier club will be holding it.Dont think i'll be having anything to do with it this year though,as i want to race my own dog's, as last year i was asked not to.It was proposed that i get someone else to drive the lure,while my dog's were racing.But to get someone who is not aquainted with a certain lure,to just step in,and take over like that,could be disastrous for all dog's,as it takes a while to get accustomed to a different lure,with maybe,a much bigger,or smaller wheel.We seen what happened at the last show,a few weeks ago,,when the lure went off like an express train,in the simulated,and it took quite a few re run's,to get it sorted,with only the final,being a good clean run.I would'nt mind someone else doing the lure,but they would have to get to know it 1st,rather than a last minute thing,and maybe someone's dog getting wrecked.I feel that the dog's safety has to come 1st.Not only that.But the 2 shield's,from last year,that Rose won with Tori,for Ireland's fastest lurcher,and the 4 nation's shield,(which will next time be the 4 Nation's Charity Shield),were going to be ran for.It would not be fare,if i couldn't run my dog's for these.Last year,i left all my dog's at home,at the request of one of the club member's,as i was judging,and obviously would not be showing.But racing is an entirely different thing.Could you imagine John,or Ian,Colin,leaving all the dog's at hom,on a club showing and racing day,just cause they were doin the lure.Anyway,if this show even shadow's last year's,then it's one not to be missed,and i hope to see all those who traveled down last year,+loads more.Think Stormy & Co,are camping overnight,and having a big Barbicu.All are welcome to join it,for free. ...Billy...
billyboy45 said:
This is,or was,the DONEMANA show,from last year,which was a big success.It is held at Barrontop farm,near Donemana.Strabane Lurcher &Terrier club will be holding it.Dont think i'll be having anything to do with it this year though,as i want to race my own dog's, as last year i was asked not to.It was proposed that i get someone else to drive the lure,while my dog's were racing.But to get someone who is not aquainted with a certain lure,to just step in,and take over like that,could be disastrous for all dog's,as it takes a while to get accustomed to a different lure,with maybe,a much bigger,or smaller wheel.We seen what happened at the last show,a few weeks ago,,when the lure went off like an express train,in the simulated,and it took quite a few re run's,to get it sorted,with only the final,being a good clean run.I would'nt mind someone else doing the lure,but they would have to get to know it 1st,rather than a last minute thing,and maybe someone's dog getting wrecked.I feel that the dog's safety has to come 1st.Not only that.But the 2 shield's,from last year,that Rose won with Tori,for Ireland's fastest lurcher,and the 4 nation's shield,(which will next time be the 4 Nation's Charity Shield),were going to be ran for.It would not be fare,if i couldn't run my dog's for these.Last year,i left all my dog's at home,at the request of one of the club member's,as i was judging,and obviously would not be showing.But racing is an entirely different thing.Could you imagine John,or Ian,Colin,leaving all the dog's at hom,on a club showing and racing day,just cause they were doin the lure.Anyway,if this show even shadow's last year's,then it's one not to be missed,and i hope to see all those who traveled down last year,+loads more.Think Stormy & Co,are camping overnight,and having a big Barbicu.All are welcome to join it,for free.   ...Billy...
billy when useing peoples names for examples keep me out of it as i dont like getting involved in the back stabbing club yours colin
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so when did this change from being a lurcher show or have i missed something ?
Thanks Billboy for your reply. Thinking of showing my dogs. I have a collie greyhound cross and a whippet greyhound cross. This would be my first show. You seem to know a lot about the show. I was thinking about entering the whippet in the racing, but I'm not sure now after what you've just said. Do you know who would be driving the lure? Would it be a good place for me to start showing / racing my dogs? Can you tell me if there is a contact number for someone involved in organising the show? I could get all the details from them.
dorisday said:
Thanks Billboy for your reply.  Thinking of showing my dogs. I have a collie greyhound cross and a whippet greyhound cross.  This would be my first show.  You seem to know a lot about the show.  I was thinking about entering the whippet in the racing, but I'm not sure now after what you've just said.  Do you know who would be driving the lure?  Would it be a good place for me to start showing / racing my dogs?  Can you tell me if there is a contact number for someone involved in organising the show?  I could get all the details from them.
By now the club will have a lure sorted out hopefully,and im sure they will be doing quite a few practice run's,between now and then.They are a good bunch,when they pull together,and can get a thing on it's feet,with shear determination.There will be great effort put in again,to host another great show,im sure.These lad's work for charity only,and will be out of pocket,(again).There will be no problem's im sure,with the lure driver.I was only stating,that when someone has to step in,and drive a lure that he's never even seen,let alone work with,then it can come as a bit of a shock,if the thing is 3 time's faster than the one they are used to,or only a third as fast,and everything catches it.Some dog's slipped through the net last year,as regard's muzzle's,and i was badly bitten.He then went after Colt,which almost ended his racing carear.This year ive been promised this will not happen.There was a few English Championship's applied for,for this show.But as yet,im not sure which one's they got.By all mean's this will be a cracking show,with scenery to die for.Ive pulled out of the club,for a few personal reason's,and not just because i couldn't get running my own dog's,if i was driving the lure.Anyhow,i dont own any dog's now,as ive given the lot to Kirsty,for helping me out,whilst ive been laid up,and also,because ive seen a hunger in her,that i used to have.
billy dont forget what i said about your show. :thumbsup: it still stands :thumbsup:
Thanks Billy for your PM. I rang the number you gave me and spoke to Terry. He told me that I would me more than welcome to attend the show. The more the merrier! This years show is for the Ulster Children's Cancer Foundation.

I don't know the politics of the club, but I was told that you were given the opportunity to stand aside while your own dogs were competing and provide a driver of your choice, for the lure, during this years show. You could continue to drive the lure after your dogs had competed. You decided to withdraw from the show saying that if you weren't driving the lure, there would be no visitors from Belfast and elsewhere. Terry said you were never a member of the N.W. Lurcher and Terrier Club at any time, but you are welcome to join providing you adhere to the club policies and principles.

Terry also told me the N.W Lurcher and Terrier Show, to be held at Barrontop, is a qualifier for Weston Park 2008, and an application has been made for the Cock of the North 2008. All participants and competitors are welcome.

He gave me other Club members names and contact numbers, they are Joe Boggs, Ryan O'Neill and Michael Lynch, with a view to confirming the above allegation.

Terry has to consult the club members as to whether they want their contact numbers listed here.

Thanks for all the information you have provided for me.

dorisday said:
Thanks Billy for your PM.  I rang the number you gave me and spoke to Terry.  He told me that I would me more than welcome to attend the show.  The more the merrier!  This years show is for the Ulster Children's Cancer Foundation.
I don't know the politics of the club, but I was told that you were given the opportunity to stand aside while your own dogs were competing and provide a driver of your choice, for the lure, during this years show.  You could continue to drive the lure after your dogs had competed.  You decided to withdraw from the show saying that if you weren't driving the lure, there would be no visitors from Belfast and elsewhere.  Terry said you were never a member of the N.W. Lurcher and Terrier Club at any time, but you are welcome to join providing you adhere to the club policies and principles.

Terry also told me the N.W Lurcher and Terrier Show, to be held at Barrontop, is a qualifier for Weston Park 2008, and an application has been made for the Cock of the North 2008.  All participants and competitors are welcome.

He gave me other Club members names and contact numbers, they are Joe Boggs, Ryan O'Neill and Michael Lynch, with a view to confirming the above allegation.

Terry has to consult the club members as to whether they want their contact numbers listed here.

Thanks for all the information you have provided for me.

Doris try to help someone out,and they come up with this.Yes.Terry did say that i could get someone else to drive the lure when my dog's were racing.The problem i would have with this,is stated above.Plain as day.There were so many problems with the racing last year,that Stormy had to step in and sort it.I vowed last year,that i would get it right this one,as we could not afford anymore mistakes,for the sake of the club,ans the safety of the dog's.Let's remember,their safety is in our hand's.But at the time we just classed it as teething problem's,which will have been sorted by now..If i was never a member,then why was there meeting's in my home,about what was they way forward for the club,who would be doing what.Why did letter's to Countrymans weekly and such,need my approval.Look.Ive no problem's with Terry,or the rest of the lad's.My problem at the time,when Terry said about my dog's not racing were these.Last year,after training my pups on the lure,and with wanting to compete in my own home town,so to speak,i had to pull out of the racing,for what to me,was an accusation from a mate,that i might cheat,by stopping the lure,or if the lure stopped for some unforeseen circumstance,then i would be accused of cheating.I have to admit,that i didn't take it well,but accepted it anyhow.I even posted o topic about it on here.(Should i race,or shouldn't i).Then when the planning meeting was over,(in my home),the same thing came up again.This year,as i said, i was going to put up the 2 top Shield's in Irish lurcher racing,and also a cup that Geoff Fletcher was sponcering,+one that Stormydog had said he would match Geoff's with.This was a lot of silverware,but greater still,a lot of titles.Now to again feel that a mate would think i would cheat or whatever,by stopping the lure if my dog was behind,realy upset me,and in the heat of the moment,thing's were said by both of us.It's not a very nice thing,when someone you know and respect as a mate,think's there is even a slight posibility,that you could be a cheat,and as i said,i was realy upset.I looked for Terry one day recently,in ASDA,in Strabane,after talking to his sister,and finding out he was in there.Unfortunately he must have went out the check out or summit,before i caught him.Just one other thing here.You mention summit about politic's.Im not interested,and never will be.I live for my wife n kid's,+the dog's.Nothing else.Now as i said,i hope this show is even bigger than last years,and hope it out shine's the rest in Northern Ireland.There is a dedicated team running it,and i wish them the very best.Now i dont think ive had anything other than praise for them in this topic,and that is the way it will stay.AMEN.
Just though id add here that this is not the place to hang out dirty washing,and certainly not to mention the word politic's,as they don't interest me in the least.There was nothing political meant,nor do i hope taken,in anything that was said by both of us.As ive said,my interests are my wife n kid's,and racing my dog's,nothing else.I will be speaking to Terry or Ryan this week,to see what this is all about,as i dont have Joe's number.Mickey wasn't at the meeting,so there's no point bringing him into anything.Hope you have a most enjoyable day at Donemana,and if i can be of any more help,then don't hesitate to ask.Please keep personal dealing's to the pm box in future,just like i did,when i gave you Terry's number,and not spread personal business across the pages of K9.Which at the moment,is a very quiet and peaceful place to be. "HAPPY RACING" ...Billy...
One other point,and then i will lay down for an hour or 2..When i said that about the belfast lad's,i was refering to John n Colt was almost wrecked last year,along with a few other's.John did tell me one time,and i hope he can remember,that he wont go anywhere that his dog's would be in danger of injuries,after he got away with running at Moira a couple of years ago.If there is another blunder like that in the racing,i dont think they will come back,as John especialy has too much to loose,with going to england so much,for the racing.If he thought for one minute,that there would be someone doin the lure,that had'nt a clue what they were doing,then there is no way he would be near the place.Im in no way saying here,that this will be the case,but just putting my point across.If that was the reason for the mention of politic's from someone,then i assure you,it had nothing to do with such a thing,and i apologise,if my statement was misleading.Now goodnight,or should i say good morning,as i will be taking the dog's out shortly,when the sun decide's to show'
billyboy45 said:
One other point,and then i will lay down for an hour or 2..When i said that about the belfast lad's,i was  refering to John n Colt was almost wrecked last year,along with a few other's.John did tell me one time,and i hope he can remember,that he wont go anywhere that his dog's would be in danger of injuries,after he got away with running at Moira a couple of years ago.If there is another blunder like that in the racing,i dont think they will come back,as John especialy has too much to loose,with going to england so much,for the racing.If he thought for one minute,that there would be someone doin the lure,that had'nt a clue what they were doing,then there is no way he would be near the place.Im in no way saying here,that this will be the case,but just putting my point across.If that was the reason for the mention of politic's from someone,then i assure you,it had nothing to do with such a thing,and i apologise,if my statement was misleading.Now goodnight,or should i say good morning,as i will be taking the dog's out shortly,when the sun decide's to show'
billy wudnt worry about wat doris is saying as someone s winding mate :thumbsup:
billyboy45 said:
One other point,and then i will lay down for an hour or 2..When i said that about the belfast lad's,i was  refering to John n Colt was almost wrecked last year,along with a few other's.John did tell me one time,and i hope he can remember,that he wont go anywhere that his dog's would be in danger of injuries,after he got away with running at Moira a couple of years ago.If there is another blunder like that in the racing,i dont think they will come back,as John especialy has too much to loose,with going to england so much,for the racing.If he thought for one minute,that there would be someone doin the lure,that had'nt a clue what they were doing,then there is no way he would be near the place.Im in no way saying here,that this will be the case,but just putting my point across.If that was the reason for the mention of politic's from someone,then i assure you,it had nothing to do with such a thing,and i apologise,if my statement was misleading.Now goodnight,or should i say good morning,as i will be taking the dog's out shortly,when the sun decide's to show'
Sorry 2 intervene girls, but shouldn't this topic be on the lurcher section :wacko:

nettle said:
billyboy45 said:
One other point,and then i will lay down for an hour or 2..When i said that about the belfast lad's,i was  refering to John n Colt was almost wrecked last year,along with a few other's.John did tell me one time,and i hope he can remember,that he wont go anywhere that his dog's would be in danger of injuries,after he got away with running at Moira a couple of years ago.If there is another blunder like that in the racing,i dont think they will come back,as John especialy has too much to loose,with going to england so much,for the racing.If he thought for one minute,that there would be someone doin the lure,that had'nt a clue what they were doing,then there is no way he would be near the place.Im in no way saying here,that this will be the case,but just putting my point across.If that was the reason for the mention of politic's from someone,then i assure you,it had nothing to do with such a thing,and i apologise,if my statement was misleading.Now goodnight,or should i say good morning,as i will be taking the dog's out shortly,when the sun decide's to show'
Sorry 2 intervene girls, but shouldn't this topic be on the lurcher section :wacko:


that was my first reply on here jayne... :blink: never mind seems to be getting sorted out between the club and billyboy57 & 3/4 ! :thumbsup:

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