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BBC Television-Whippet Racing


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Did anyone else manage to see Country File this morning on the BBC, featuring Whippet Racing?

Tut bloody hell no, any good?

Was it peds or non-peds?
didnt see it :(

vicky also missed her imfamous apprearence on clarissa and the countryman as well.
No i saw it eventually - it was repeated umpteen times!
It was pedigree racing at the South Cotswolds Club. I meant to record it and forgot. Damn! :( Was it any good?
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It came across very nicely, middle class people with a good command of the queens english. The whippet was packed into an estate car in his crate which sounded better than cage, the peds were put in the traps from the rear without kickboards giving a roomy impression, not squeezed in from the front up a ramp.

There was a paused, long look at the 'bundle of rags' -as it was referred to, that acted as the dogs natural prey-The lure was hand operated and they spoke about the handicap system and showed the track being marked out accordingly.

The whippet was then shown being driven home for his midday snack by a kind and grateful elderly lady who was pleased with her dogs perfomance.

Who could possibly object to such a portrayal. John Craven seemed impressed!

And no Tim Westwood, if your looking, it wasn't Fluke on the box today. She's contracted to Granada. :p

Karen Boyd ;)
Gavin and Liz own Dandy (who,s there first Whippet and the dog being followed in the diary)...and with our club that has just recently changed hands (with lots of resingnations, bitching etc), Gavin was just trying to raise our profile as he was only trying to help. Its unfortunate the way South Cotswolds was portrayed, and being on T.V. was not what most of us wanted (if any) and we're very sorry that we came over so "middle class" but most of us did decline an interview, and the rest of us if caught on camara have probably been edited out :b .

Our club like many "small" clubs is struggling and we need all the help we can get :0 :D
Didn't mean anything detrimental about coming across as middle-class as such. I truly thought that ther programme came across very well. Sorry if I've offended you, that wasn't intended.I obviously don't have the same command of the queens english if I came across differently.

2 years ago we did a similar thing with Granada, and more recently the radio, press etc. even sadly Richard and Judy. to promote the sport/our club hopefully.

I know how difficult it is- trying to get across a correct and accurate image of the hobby/fun side of it when many think its all about gambling and cruelty/neglect issues and not a cloth cap and mufler image also.

I certainly didn't think it was an unfortunate portrayal.

Karen Boyd :0
I'm sorry.......I'm so used to hearing bad things about our club at the moment that i guess that i am very defensive :b Chris and myself have only been running South Cotswolds for around 7 weeks (it all got very messy with people resigning etc :0 ) but now we seem to be going stronger with old members returning :D so fingers crossed we'll get stronger and better than ever ;) so hopefully we won't need any help from Richard and Judy....(well not yet anyway) :D :p
Middle class ? I'm sure I saw Steph weighing a dog in and Fat Tony (Mafiosa) trapping it! :D :D :D
We wish you and your club all the very best and realise what an uphill struggle it is.

As for the cuts in your video diary- you should have seen what was edited from our full days filming...........................for 5 minutes viewing. The film crew actually arrived at our house to film with only an hour or so notice. I've never cleaned up so quickly in my life.

As for middle class.......... I was the only one watching Country File today, Steve was busy reading the Sunday Sport :D - need I say more?

The filming style of your video diary was much more 'gentle' than ours, whilst on the field opposite our house the cameraman was filming Fluke running towards him after the lure, he had already told us how many thousands of pounds the camera cost when Fluke almost wrote it off,but the effect and noise was awesome.

Radio's better...much less intimidating than television (no cleaning up) and they actually ask you to pretend and make up noises!!!!!!

Most publicity is good publicity.
I saw the racing on country file and thought it was ok, I dont know about not being on camera though, it looked to me like you only had about three people racing, with the same chap trapping and setting them of. It would have been better if there were as many members as poss allahouting the dogs over the line. Still any coverage is better than none and this did no harm at all, good luck to you and your club. This was posted by Peter scott I used to rum with the peds from 1971 to 1982, and owned Flying Scott and Arctic Scott two very fast winners in thier day.
I hope Hannah doesn't mind me saying this ??? but as she knows i'll say it anyway? :p .

Hannah & Chris took over running the club at a time when the club looked certain to close due to infighting, in a short time they have already put the club back on the map and with the support of all the members should go from strenth to strenth.

It was a shame that the feature came accross as middle class as I know for a fact that most that attend are down to earth freindly people only to willing to help new people to the sport as they have with Gavin & Liz who own Dandy.

It's a shame that we can't get someone to do a full 1/2 hour programme showing to true delights of a days racing instead of the edited 3 minute slot they got.

But anythings better than nothing, i'm sure given the chance everyone at the South Cottwolds would of had it edited differantly but if it brings 1 new member into racing then what the hell!.

By the way Scott just spoke to Fat Tony and he said if a man comes to you're door carrying a violin case HE SENT HIM! :c
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Ey up, trouble at mill- I wish I'd never mentioned the words middle-class now- :8

but please take into account that everyone sounds middle-class to us from up north- ;)

And its ok to be middle class isn't it? Our big dogs called Kipper, the one featured Dandy, nowt wrong with that is there? they'll both run. :p lol-Your right Peter, it would have been better to have a few more people on camera, not so sure that it was a great idea having Steve working our lure though on camera although Harry and Meg looked well.

Steve looked abit too down to earth! and definately working class, without the work.Almost tramp looking actually.......Or as he would prefer to be called a knight of the road!

Mark what the hell is infighting?????????????? not the same as inbreeding is it???



Seriously now, it was good tv, lets have some more.
Hi Karen i'm from Rochdale You don't get much more Northern than that do ya lass!, :D

I was the person that gave Granada TV Keiths number when they where trying to contact you a few year back to film you're dog after it became a Rch.

I agree with you though that anyone South of Doncaster sounds posh :b (LOL)

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For heaven's sake - what's wrong with being middle class anyway ?????
Don't know anything about that Mark-via Keith????? he's never said.Keith with This Way???????It was a local reporter from our local paper that contacted us, he was friendly with Michelle May from Granada tv, it was Michelle and co that filmed at our house.

Then some weeks later a reporter from the Daily star contacted Harry via his school.

Then BBC Radio Lancashire contacted us for 2 interviews (Grassroots).

Richard and Judy seemed a natural

Our local paper keep in touch with Harry and Fluke, they even get Christmas card from the paper!!!!!! thats abit middle class eh? they even made the editorial !!!!

Eeeeeee by gum didn't they do well.

Who knows what the future brings? The Simpsons, Creature Comforts or a spot on Ab Fab would make Harry's day.
A bit of Rubbish information Mark.

The word POSH is supposed to come from the 1900's era when England had an empire. Those who were rich enough to travel the empire in style did so mainly by Boat, (Passenger airplanes were a long way off in the future). As there were no air conditioning on these ships the coolest cabins were situated on the Port side going out to India ect and on the Starboard side coming back to england. Therefore their tickets were marked PORT OUT and STARBOARD HOME thus being abbreviated to P.O.S.H. and again to POSH. Being as i reside south of Doncaster i would love you to think that i may be posh so to speak, but i think it must be South of Watford :D

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