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Bitch In Season


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Hello all

Its nice to be here, I would however like some advice if any has some to share. Yeasterday afternoon I got a small bitch from a rescue home, she is from what I can tell a jack russell and perhaps whippet cross.

Last night after a few hours in her new home i noticed she had leaked a little bloody colour discharge and her vulva was swollen, my husband then told me she was in season.

This has left me with worry and more questions than anwsers. Firstly she was in with dogs and was not seperated from them at all leaving her open to breeding with them - Would a dog still wish to inpregnate a bitch after he has done it once? I ask because when I picked her up she was in a run with a dog and he showed no interest in her at all. So I dont know what everyone here thinks but I fear that the likelyhood she has been with a dog is very high.... And secondly if she was to have got caught pregnant when would I know and what are the signs to look out for?

I would be so gratefull of some sound advice and support

Many thanks

Dawn :cheers:
You can get her injected by the vet to prevent the pregnancy progressing

Phone and ask what the procedure is

The rescue home should have taken precautions to separate a bitch in season phone and ask how likely this is to have happened

Good luck :luck: :luck:
Angel32 said:
Hello all
Its nice to be here, I would however like some advice if any has some to share. Yeasterday afternoon I got a small bitch from a rescue home, she is from what I can tell a jack russell and perhaps whippet cross.

Last night after a few hours in her new home i noticed she had leaked a little bloody colour discharge and her vulva was swollen, my husband then told me she was in season.

This has left me with worry and more questions than anwsers. Firstly she was in with dogs and was not seperated from them at all leaving her open to breeding with them - Would a dog still wish to inpregnate a bitch after he has done it once? I ask because when I picked her up she was in a run with a dog and he showed no interest in her at all. So I dont know what everyone here thinks but I fear that the likelyhood she has been with a dog is very high.... And secondly if she was to have got caught pregnant when would I know and what are the signs to look out for?

I would be so gratefull of some sound advice and support

Many thanks

Dawn  :cheers:

the injection you are talking about will only have a chance of being effective if done within 48 hours of mating im afraid.

i think it is extremely irrisponsible of the rescue centre of passing on a dog in season to a new owner without explaining that a) she was in season and b) perhaps she could even have been mated by any of their other dogs - extremely naive of them.

it is a horrid position to find yourself in as it is not advisable to spay a bitch whilst in season as this can add to hormonal problems later in life possibly manifesting in skin and behaviour porblems.

a difficult thing for you to deal with but i hope you cope with your lovely new addition and it all works out well for you :))
Firstly I would get straight back onto the rescue and let them know the situation.

Was the dog she was kennelled with definitely entire? If he was or if he had been neutered only in the last few weeks then yes, she could be pregnant. Talk to your vet about injecting her to stop the pregnancy progressing (and ideally book her in to be spayed in a couple of months)

Kennelling an unspayed bitch with an entire dog would be totally irresponsible imo, and not something any good rescue would do - but then most good rescues would spay before rehoming anyway.

Good luck - well done for giving her a home, anyway, and I hope it all works out for you after a rather traumatic start! :luck:
If she has only just come into season the chances are if the dog was showing no interest she was not yet ready for mating, but if she is coming to the end of her season the dog would also usually show less interest and could have mated her earlier.

I would be surprised if they have put 2 entire dogs together of different sexes though, I would give them a ring as said before to check about the dog she was in with :thumbsup:

Well done for taking her in :huggles:
I telephoned the lady from the rescue and informed her that the dog was in season, her reply was simply realy?.... The dogs she was in contact with where all intact!

I telephoned my vet yeasterday who seemed quite concerned also, he is going to call and see her when he is in my area next Tuesday, but as he said it may simply be now a case of wait and see...

My husband and I are taking it all in our strides and if she has pups she does, we will not love her any less or the pups and that everything in life happens for a reason so we are waiting to see what the future holds...

Thank you everyone who has offered there kind words of advice, wisdom and support we will keep you posted on our adventure that may or may not lie ahead

Dawn :huggles: xx

I would recomend having her spayed once she comes out of season. I am suprised the rescue hadnt done this already or the vet suggested it.

This will prevent a litter of pups and her coming into season again. So much easier to live with.

If she is just coming into season it may be she hasnt been mated. you will know if she is still bleeding in two weeks she was just coming in and not going out. Keep her away from male dogs just in case and dont walk her were she is likley to come in contact with them.

Hope it is a false alarm

well, two options left. have the pups, or get her spayed straight away :( whats her age and build? what type/s were the male/s? i'm curious because these things need to be assessed regarding the bitches welfare, ie would having the litter possibly endanger her life? although saying that, i personally wouldnt have much faith in the accuracy of any information coming from a rescue that put mixed sex entire animals together :wacko:

negativity aside, in case she is pregnant, start her on folic acid tablets straight away, it'll help reduce the chances of defects. sending you all the :luck: in the world for you all.
Well all I can say is that I'm completely disgusted with the rescue involved. 'Rescue' in my book is as much about preventing unwanted dogs coming into the world as about rehoming the ones who are already here.

Let's hope your little girl isn't pregnant, but if the worst comes to the worst and you need PROPER rescue back up to help find and check homes for the pups let me know and I'll do my best to put you in touch with people who can help.

I think we need a picture of your girl :wub:
didnt your vet suggest giving her an injection to prevent her having pups in case shes been mated?im a bit confused about this now as you dont say anything about it.have to say i agree with Fee Fee.and dont think much of the rescues policy of preventing more puppies coming into rescue. :unsure:

and yes we do need piccies of her please! :)
Hi all

The vet did mention the injection but said that they only gave it within 48 hours of mating, Its all confusing stuff to me too but I am not letting that take away the fact I have a lovely little girl of who we have still to give a name....


Dawn xx

shes lovely. :wub: :wub: :wub: so did he think she was early in her season and chances are shed not been mated or what?it might have been an idea to give the injection just in case she had been mated?better safe than sorry? :thumbsup:

is she settling in well?she likes cats i see! :D
i've never heard of a rescue centre keeping intact males and females together either (w00t)

good job your little girl has gone to sensible people - and i hope for everyone's sake that she hasn't caught

let us know how things unfold :luck:
well i would go straight to the vets in 2 weeks and have her neuterd .

she looks a small girl and if she was mated by a big dog you will either be faced with a one to two thousand pound vet bill for cesarean if your lucky , if your not you will lose mum and pups :(

its not worth it , not worth the risk .

too many puppies being brought into this world and although this litter is not your fault you do have the power to stop it .

good luck in whatever you decide to do but if it was my girl i would not take that chance :luck:

Sorry but the jack russel in the photo looks pregnant to me. I think you need to get her checked out by the vet. It could be she has not long had pups or even the way she is lieing but doesnt look right.

Hope I am wrong but wouldnt hurt to check just in case

saraquele said:
well i would go straight to the vets in 2 weeks and have her neuterd .
  she looks a small girl and if she was mated by a big dog you will either be faced with a one to two thousand pound vet bill for cesarean if your lucky , if your not you will lose mum and pups  :(

its not worth it , not worth the risk .

too many puppies being brought into this world and although this litter is not your fault you do have the power to stop it .

good luck in whatever you decide to do but if it was my girl i would not take that chance  :luck:

My sentiments exactly. Knowing how many unwanted dogs & puppies are put to sleep every week I'd have no hesitation in having her spayed asap.

It's totally irresponsible of this "rescue" centre to be adding to the unplanned puppy problem like this. :angry:

Angel, I'm not getting at you in any way & obviously at the end of the day the final decision is yours. Just think though, would you want any puppies to end up back in a rescue centre if you couldn't find good homes for them all?

Good Luck :luck:
talisman said:
Sorry but  the jack russel in the photo looks pregnant to me. I think you need to get her checked out by the vet. It could be she has not long had pups or even the way she is lieing but doesnt look right.

Hope I am wrong but wouldnt hurt to check just in case


Thats just what I thought , (w00t) either that or shes already had al itter , thats why her teats look large , but Its unusual for them to still be `showing blood` and having rounded and swollen nipples IMO

I would wait and see, and have her spayed after any pups are well weaned . :cheers:

Good luck , keep us informed wont you :huggles:

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