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Bwra Proposals

Doreen Hopkins

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Just to remind all registered BWRA members that the closing date for proposals and nominations for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar are to be sent to me no later than October 1st 2006, so you have 3 weeks if you wish to send one

regards Doreen
To All BWRA Members.

This a once in a two year period to make a differance. Please do take this window of opportunity to have your say on how things could be run or improved upon. :eek:

We need our sport to survive with your input, it can and will go forward. Each member can contribute no matter how small or bizarre others look at the prosposal.(There is a safety net for members who abuse this right). :unsure:

How does proposals work and why do some not reach the voting stage. :- "

Firstly if you have a point of order or a good idea to improve the running of the organisation then all you need is another fully paid up member of the BWRA to second your idea or propsal. :)

The next stage is it will go before the regional reps and the National committee to see if this is workable and safe for the running of both the dogs and the organisation as a whole should there any legal implications for instance. This then will be put to the vote.( Keep it in or keep it out ) :eek:

Who is allowed to vote at this early stage: all regional reps having 1 vote only 2 per region also the National committee 1 votes each and whippet News 1 vote a total of 22 votes lets assume the vote is split then your chairman casts the deciding vote. :unsure:

All they can vote on at this stage is,can the proposal work and is it safe to both the running of the dogs and the future of the BWRA. They can not decide at this stage whats voted in or not. this will be decided by a National vote of the members. Only the most dangours or unworkable proposals can be vetoed out at this meeting. (w00t)

Your proposal will be read out at the regional reps proposal meeting. Discussed and then voted on :thumbsup:

Then you will recieve a voting form of all proposals in the post for your vote however you decide ,hopefully with the best interest of the sport at heart. :))

At this stage should you chose not to complete and return your form you are forfeiting your right of input and there will be no redress from any member that has chosen not to vote on any changes that the member finds undsirable to them. :b

Please do show your support with this matter and take time to send in your proposal Today :thumbsup:

Malcolm Clarke

BWRA President
malcolm do we hand a proposal in to our regional rep to forward,s it to the commitee
jeffb said:
malcolm do we hand a proposal in to our regional rep to forward,s it to the commitee

Hi Jeff , Doreen here. No you do not need to hand your proposal to your regional secretary or rep, you can post it directly to me if you wish to. My address is at the back of your membership book

kind regards Doreen
Doreen Hopkins said:
jeffb said:
malcolm do we hand a proposal in to our regional rep to forward,s it to the commitee

Hi Jeff , Doreen here. No you do not need to hand your proposal to your regional secretary or rep, you can post it directly to me if you wish to. My address is at the back of your membership book

kind regards Doreen

just seen the postal vote results everything as been voted in except the last oneabout thr seeding of dogs.

a couple of points i would like to make about a couple of the proposals.

no 1 proposal puppy champs to have dogs and bitches together in 4 classes due to some solo runs and no entries at all.

my point is there will be even less entries now that this as been passed everybody knows that 95% of bitches are faster and mature quicker than a dog so who is going to run there dog against the bitch also there will be only one supreme of the day i.e. no supreme dog puppy or supreme bitch puppy . this is my opinion

proposal 4 the jack cadman to be run in 4 classes and only the winners going through,

for starters this apparently should not have been put in.

it as been run for in the same format for as long as i can remember it was something different instead of the same old boring open you go too i.e. 4 classes 20/24/28/32/.

it's time in my opinionto have some variety in the racing like the jack cadman was not as it's going to be.

maybe some of the clubs could do this by putting more varied formats on i.e. different weight classes and 2ft/lb or ½yd/lb

something the jack cadman did was to give dogs a chance to race against other dogs they would never get the chance to run against.

this is my opinion on the way racing is going we want to encourage new people into the sport and this is'nt the way to do it.

the jack cadman should be run for as the person who put it on wanted it to be run

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