Can someone please send me the results (or post them on here) of the 3rd champs as they are zipped and my poor little pea brain can't cope with unzipping them. Yes I do have Winzip but I use it so infrequently that I can never seem to unzip things simply and it all goes wrong and I loose the damn unzipped file.
I suffer from zip file phobia. :b Oh and Windows XP hate it hate it hate it. Damn thing is so invisible. Puts files where I can't find them. Does things in totally illogical order. :rant:
I preferred DOS! Never thought that I'd say that!
I suffer from zip file phobia. :b Oh and Windows XP hate it hate it hate it. Damn thing is so invisible. Puts files where I can't find them. Does things in totally illogical order. :rant:
I preferred DOS! Never thought that I'd say that!