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Canine Influenza

wild whippies

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I know it's early days but I've been on the phone to the NGRC regarding any guidelines they're recommending with regards to racing dogs.

Anyone who wishes to query these guidelines (and bear in mind they're only guidelines as it's early days) can do so by contacting the NGRC advice line on 0870 626 5103. If people do so, please could they contribute to this thread so the phone line isn't overwhelmed by whippet racers.

1. Strongly recommended that any dogs with a cough should not be raced or brought to a dog track.

2. No communal drinking water bowls or washing communally, so try to bring your own water bowls / washing up bowl for foot washing.

3. Recommended disinfection agents are Parvocide or Virkon S, The latter is available from as little as £1.75 from Robinsons Robinsons

4. Brushing out and spraying of traps is recommended prior to racing.

5. It was also advised where possible to keep dogs seperate from each other.

Linda Broom has been trying to find some matting for this Sunday, which I think I might be able to get hold of. (trying to ring you Linda)

I will bring some disposable bowls along with me but they're only small but should be ok and I'll call in Robinsons for some Virkon S later.

Hope people don't think this is OTT but I think it is beneficial for us to respect the NGRC's guidelines especially when we have an upcoming event at one of their tracks.
wild whippies said:
I know it's early days but I've been on the phone to the NGRC regarding any guidelines they're recommending with regards to racing dogs.Anyone who wishes to query these guidelines (and bear in mind they're only guidelines as it's early days) can do so by contacting the NGRC advice line on 0870 626 5103. If people do so, please could they contribute to this thread so the phone line isn't overwhelmed by whippet racers.

1. Strongly recommended that any dogs with a cough should not be raced or brought to a dog track.

2. No communal drinking water bowls or washing communally, so try to bring your own water bowls / washing up bowl for foot washing.

3. Recommended disinfection agents are Parvocide or Virkon S, The latter is available from as little as £1.75 from Robinsons Robinsons

4. Brushing out and spraying of traps is recommended prior to racing.

5. It was also advised where possible to keep dogs seperate from each other.

Linda Broom has been trying to find some matting for this Sunday, which I think I might be able to get hold of. (trying to ring you Linda)

I will bring some disposable bowls along with me but they're only small but should be ok and I'll call in Robinsons for some Virkon S later.

Hope people don't think this is OTT but I think it is beneficial for us to respect the NGRC's guidelines especially when we have an upcoming event at one of their tracks.

:thumbsup: thanks for the info Jac's.
Heard it could be related to equine influenza,so if you're around horses better to take extra care,and think it has appeared more in the south of the country,but obviously greyhounds travel
Cheers Jac

Maybe some printed signs up at the stadiums & tracks we are using , or a explanation on back of programs not all people have Internet
Your a good one Jac :thumbsup: .... could you possible do some for the next few fed event...i will print some out for aycliffe tomorrow if you don't mind me nicking your link
Simple precautions that everyone can take :p

Well done Jac taking steps to help everyone's dog's welfare this Sunday, hopefully other venue's will follow suit.
Couldn't agree more! :)

Foot dips will be in use tomorrow at Westhoughton along with sprays and brushes for the traps. There'll also be some buckets of Virkon S available for those who may wish to disnfect muzzles after loaning etc.


The following is information regarding Virkon S for those who may be concerned about the product being used. A COSHH Data sheet will also be provided for the track owners.

Virkon /S

This chemical disinfectant Virkon S is diluted from its powder form and mixed so

that it can be easily sprayed on vehicles for disinfection purposes. This

disinfectant is primarily used in hand or manual sprayers; as well as foot dips.

The attached MSDS sheets are for the product in its undiluted powder form.

When used for spaying, the product has been diluted significantly with water.

The materials in this information packet are to provide additional information and

to assure you of its safe use in the disinfection process for motor vehicles.

Please consult the manufacturer’s website noted in this document if you wish

additional information beyond the scope of this document.

Manufacturer’s Website:



Powerful - independently proven effective against

all virus families affecting man and animals

Friendly - to man, animals and the environment

Complete control - aerial, surface and water

system disinfectant


Unique product - patented in over 20 countries and used worldwide.


The most proven livestock disinfectant in the world.

Fast acting- 1% solution independently proven to kill bacteria and fungi in less

than 5 minutes and parvovirus in less than 10 minutes.

Independently proven effective on porous surfaces such as wood, against

organic challenge, in hard water and at low temperature.

High levels of surfactancy with acidic and oxidising power provide superior

destruction of biofilms.

UK MAFF approved at exceptionally high dilutions:-

Foot & Mouth Disease 1:1300 and General Orders 1:120

Swine Vesicular Disease 1:200, Diseases of Poultry Order 1:280.

Friendly and Convenient

Friendly to man, animals and the environment.

Non-tainting, no environmental residue problems, of exceptionally low toxicity.

A powder for easy storage and transportation and accurate dilution - readily

soluble in tepid water.


Complete control - aerial, surface and water system disinfectant.

Can be applied to surfaces and equipment to clean and disinfect in a one step

operation - passes AOAC detergent sanitizer test at 1:200 dilution.

Suitable for use in all types of poultry and animal housing, fish farms,

greenhouses and veterinary surgeries.


COMPOSITION: A balanced, stabilised blend of peroxygen compounds,

surfactant, organic acids, and an inorganic buffer system.

APPEARANCE: Pink/grey powder (yellow/orange in US). ODOUR: Faint

lemon odour.

ACTIVITY: Strong oxidising system.

STABILITY: Powder: 2.3% average loss of initial activity after 36 months at

20°C. 1% solution: 10% loss of initial activity after 7 days in 350ppm hard


DuPont Animal Health Solutions - About Virkon S

SOLUBILITY: Readily soluble in tepid water giving a clear pink solution

(yellow in US).

CORROSIVITY: No corrosive effects on mild or stainless steel when used as




Ecotoxity: "Non toxic" according to EU standards for soil toxicity; lower

aquatic toxicity than peracetic acid and will not present a threat to sewage

treatment facilities when used as directed. Water Research Council UK.

Environmental effect: "In the dilution normally encountered all of the Virkon

S ingredients are either decomposed and/or biodegraded and are

comparatively harmless. The triple salt of potassium monopersulphate will

decompose into harmless by-products. In the aqueous environment the

product will eventually degrade and should pose no problem to sewage

treatment processes" Anglian Water, August 1994

Biochemical Oxygen Demand: In a 5 day Biochemical Oxygen Demand test

carried out by Anglian Water a 1% solution of Virkon S (subsequently diluted

to a level typically found in effluent streams) did not inhibit the BOD test. From

this it can be concluded that Virkon S was degradable under the conditions of

test and as such would not afffect the functioning of sewage treatment plants.

Biodegradability: Virkon S consists mainly of inorganic salts which

decompose into harmless by-products. The surfactant is a salt of a straight

chain alkyl benzene sulphonate complying with EEC directive 82/243, giving

more than 90% biodegradibility under OECD test conditions.


Exposure: No occupational exposure limits are specified for Virkon S

components according to the requirements laid down in Health and Safety

Executive Guidance Note EH 40/95 under the Control of Substances

Hazardous to Health, (COSHH) Regulations, 1994.

Irritancy: At 1% in use dilution Virkon S is classified as:- Non-irritant to skin,

Non-irritant to eyes, when tested according to EU Directive 67/548/EEC
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Will read that again tonight when i'm drunk :lol:

Have got virkon by the bucket load here now :lol:
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Ive always used it when having litters in or while we are away camping ... one of the best on the market
rob67 said:
Wasn't Dr. Spock a virkon?? :teehee:
That's Vulcan dear - hard, strong, smelly and stretchy according to an online dictionary. Sounds like some of the rubbers I know :- " .
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