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Cavalier owners


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I am new here.
In case I post this in the wrong sub I apologize.

I have my heart set on a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in the future.
For owners or previous owners of this breed, what is the best thing about your Cavalier(s) ?

I have done some pretty extensive research on the breed, for a long period of time.
Still, I am always keen to learn or soak up additional info/advice from Cavalier owners or people familiar with the breed.

No doubt I'll ask more specific questions in the coming future but for now this will do.

Thank you and I wish you all a lovely day!
Best regards. / Maria aka "Awoo"
Welcome to the forum :) I haven't ever had a Cavalier, but I just want to mention that they can be prone to both heart and spinal/brain disorders (syringomyelia). Some breeders are selectively breeding to try to avoid these, so do please select your breeder carefully with this in mind. (Apologies if you're way ahead of me here!)

Good luck, and I hope it's not too long before you find your perfect pup! (Photos are almost mandatory ;) )
They are lovely little dogs but the health problems that are so prevalent in the breed would put me off too.

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And - can I add, I don't know if you were considering a cavalier crossbreed, but please don't think they are less likely to have the health problems. I won't go into details unless you want me to, but it's a common misconception that crosses are automatically healthier.
Welcome to the forum :) I haven't ever had a Cavalier, but I just want to mention that they can be prone to both heart and spinal/brain disorders (syringomyelia). Some breeders are selectively breeding to try to avoid these, so do please select your breeder carefully with this in mind. (Apologies if you're way ahead of me here!)

Good luck, and I hope it's not too long before you find your perfect pup! (Photos are almost mandatory ;) )
Hello! Thanks for the welcoming me to the forum and apologies about the late reply.

Indeed the health issues are a big downside of this breed. I'll admit I've been back and forth many times about my decision because of this.
I've been planning for a pup about 2 years or so. I've scrolled through so many breeds.
In the end I landed on a pick between the CKCS and the Coton de Tuléar.

The Coton is certainly the healthier one. And for a long time this was a deciding factor.
I think what made me change my mind was a mix between availability and considering what pup would be best as a first time dog for me, and by extension, my elderly parents. Both breeds seem to have great temperaments but the Coton requires more hands on coat care and may also be more difficult to house-train.

I've met with this lovely woman who breeds Cavaliers and Shetland Sheepdogs.
My parents went with me and we were welcomed with several happy, social and curious dogs. They all live with the woman and her family indoors and are loved pets.
I got to ask all of the questions I wanted and boy was I prepared. I brought probably 20-25 questions or so.
Her and her hub were happy to answer them all and seemed honest with everything. Papers were in order and she follows the guidelines for proper Cavalier breeding.
I know of course this isn't a guarantee my pup will be free of those things but it eases my mind to know she does everything possible to avoid it.
I also asked her of the history of the Cavaliers she's sold over the years and from her knowing none of them had suffered from Syringomyelia and only two had developed heart-related issues.

Thank you! I hope so too cuz I'm really longing for a furry little one to take care of.
Of course there will be puppy pictures in the future. Hehe.

Is it your dog in the profile picture? :)
Oh, I think it's wonderful that you've done so much research, thought through everything and found a great breeder :) Does she have a litter available right now, or is she planning on breeding one soon?

Yes, that's my dog Jasper in my avatar pic. He passed over 2 years ago after developing dementia, but I still miss him every single day. I yearn for another pointy dog, but we have two very young grandchildren who are here a lot, and our lifestyle has changed a bit so sadly the time isn't right.
Really good to hear of your research.

A dozen or so years ago there was someone in the village where I live who bred lovely healthy CKCs, so it is possible albeit not easy to find one.

All the very best with your forthcoming pup and .....we love photos.....
Oh, I think it's wonderful that you've done so much research, thought through everything and found a great breeder :) Does she have a litter available right now, or is she planning on breeding one soon?

Yes, that's my dog Jasper in my avatar pic. He passed over 2 years ago after developing dementia, but I still miss him every single day. I yearn for another pointy dog, but we have two very young grandchildren who are here a lot, and our lifestyle has changed a bit so sadly the time isn't right.
Thank you! :)
She bred one little lady some months ago but unfortunately it was unsuccessful.
I am third in waiting for a pup but she plans on breeding three of her girls next year. Two in the springtime and another in the summer (as she only turns 3 by then). So I'm here keeping my fingers crossed for a flumsy clumsy little pup by the mid of next year.

He's beautiful ❤️ My condolences for his passing.
I've not owned dogs before but other pets I've had (and lost) and it hurts like nothing else.
Was he a Lurcher or a specific breed of dog?
I see. Maybe one day you'll have another pooch in your life. When the grand babies are a bit older perhaps.
Really good to hear of your research.

A dozen or so years ago there was someone in the village where I live who bred lovely healthy CKCs, so it is possible albeit not easy to find one.

All the very best with your forthcoming pup and .....we love photos.....
Thank you! I try my best.
I'm thinking the more I research and prepare, the better I can take care of the little pup when he or she arrives.

Oh wonderful.
There is no shortage of Cavalier breeders in the country where I live.
However, I only ever considered the ones registered in the Cavalier breed club - as they are checked to follow the best guidelines possible.
(I am actually not from the UK, I'm from Sweden. So across the waters hehe.)

I'm grateful. I will definitely post photos once the little one is here 🥳
They are lovely little dogs but the health problems that are so prevalent in the breed would put me off too.

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And - can I add, I don't know if you were considering a cavalier crossbreed, but please don't think they are less likely to have the health problems. I won't go into details unless you want me to, but it's a common misconception that crosses are automatically healthier.
I very much appreciate it and will no doubt take a more thorough read through. Thank you so much!

It's only a purebred Cavalier I'm waiting for but thanks nonetheless :)
Was he a Lurcher or a specific breed of dog?
A lurcher - greyhound x deerhound x Bedlington x Irish terrier. aka Hound of the Basketcases 🤣
They are lovely little dogs but the health problems that are so prevalent in the breed would put me off too.

You might find this helpful.

And - can I add, I don't know if you were considering a cavalier crossbreed, but please don't think they are less likely to have the health problems. I won't go into details unless you want me to, but it's a common misconception that crosses are automatically healthier.
May I add I love the little "timeline" picture you have for your dog! ☺️ (I'm guessing). So cute.
A lurcher - greyhound x deerhound x Bedlington x Irish terrier. aka Hound of the Basketcases 🤣
Oh cool. I never knew what breeds the Lurcher was made of. I imagine he was fast! 😮🏃‍♀️
Oh cool. I never knew what breeds the Lurcher was made of. I imagine he was fast! 😮🏃‍♀️
He was, it was a joy to watch him run! Lurchers are any cross between a sighthound and any other breed, though typically a 'working' dog, so come in a wide range of sizes and temperaments. Jasper was taller than me if he jumped up on me!
He was, it was a joy to watch him run! Lurchers are any cross between a sighthound and any other breed, though typically a 'working' dog, so come in a wide range of sizes and temperaments. Jasper was taller than me if he jumped up on me!
I can imagine 😊 Oh I see now, thanks! I'm only familar with the term due to watching several episodes of The Dog House hehe.
So that's why they vary in appearance huh. Makes sense.

Aw I can imagine. If you don't mind me asking, what was your favorite thing about Jasper? 🐶 (and most likely still is ❤️)
I can imagine 😊 Oh I see now, thanks! I'm only familar with the term due to watching several episodes of The Dog House hehe.
So that's why they vary in appearance huh. Makes sense.

Aw I can imagine. If you don't mind me asking, what was your favorite thing about Jasper? 🐶 (and most likely still is ❤️)
Oh gosh, where to start? He had so many issues, and I had to put so much work into him, but that made our bond incredible. Maybe that he looked to me for reassurance, and felt he could trust me? His intelligence and seeming ability to understand everything I said? And his (occasional) willing obedience - he could probably be summed up in that if you tried to physically remove him, or order him, from a sofa, he would probably do you real harm. But once I had trained him to get off when asked nicely, he would often hear someone approach the room, and get on the sofa because he knew he would get a treat when asked to get off. It cracked me up every time 🤣
Oh gosh, where to start? He had so many issues, and I had to put so much work into him, but that made our bond incredible. Maybe that he looked to me for reassurance, and felt he could trust me? His intelligence and seeming ability to understand everything I said? And his (occasional) willing obedience - he could probably be summed up in that if you tried to physically remove him, or order him, from a sofa, he would probably do you real harm. But once I had trained him to get off when asked nicely, he would often hear someone approach the room, and get on the sofa because he knew he would get a treat when asked to get off. It cracked me up every time 🤣
What a sweet summary of your beautiful boy Judy! 🌺
Gotta love the cheekiness of calculating how to get more treats 😁 He had his priorities set straight haha. Love it.
My cavi who passed over 10 years ago at the age of 11. She was a wonderful companion but did have a heart problem. Just make sure you have health insurance as the medicine can be expensive.


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My cavi who passed over 10 years ago at the age of 11. She was a wonderful companion but did have a heart problem. Just make sure you have health insurance as the medicine can be expensive.
My apologies about the late reply.

Thank you for sharing your sweet Cavalier with us 🌺
If you don't mind me asking, would you care to share a little bit more about her? I love to hear about peoples' pets.
What did she like to do? Did she have any favorite toys/treats/activities? What about her do you love most?

I appreciate the heads up about medical costs 🙏
My apologies about the late reply.

Thank you for sharing your sweet Cavalier with us 🌺
If you don't mind me asking, would you care to share a little bit more about her? I love to hear about peoples' pets.
What did she like to do? Did she have any favorite toys/treats/activities? What about her do you love most?

I appreciate the heads up about medical costs 🙏
Loved going out for walks and used to enjoy a lot of camping trips together. Did suffer from separation anxiety so used to take her to a dog sitter whilst I was at work. Enjoyed car journeys with her on the front seat next to me. Was my very loving companion.

She had teeth problems and now feed my next dog wet food and dried but not mixed together trying to make sure she uses her teeth to chew. Dried fish skin as a treat.
The dried fish skins are great for dental hygiene - we use Fish Skin Flatties

Ideally you want your dog to be chewing on something for 20 minutes or more, on both sides of their mouth, to clean their teeth.

Dry food isn't as good as some people suggest - as well as being not very effective, the bacteria that cause dental health problems will love the carbohydrates. if you really want to know, ask your dentist how many biscuits you'd need to eat to clean your teeth!

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