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visited Annie last night she looke a lot better than the day before, but they are still struggling to get her levels stable. her eyes have cleared uo a bit but theyre bringing an eye specialist in to see her

The vet wants to spay her tomorrow as Annie is post season (6 1/2 weeks) this could be a factor. and it could possibly reverse the diabetes onset, I'M NOT SURE but don't know enough about it to say no, Annie has never had problems with seasons or hormones she has allways had normal regular seasons every 6/7 months she's had 1 litter of pups 4 years ago by c section

Anyhow she's not going to be home for a while yet so thats Devon out of the window for me and Hilda hope you all have a good time :(
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Pleased to hear Annies a little better , keep us up to date on how everything goes Linda
no further improvement in Annie yet but really glad I didn't agree to her being spayed when she first went in , the vet has been in contact with the university of veterinary medicine for a second opinion about her condition and they have said she should not be spayed in this state further blood tests have been sent over to them results came back last night showing Annie has an infected pancreas Ive no idea what the prognosis is yet for Annie just got everything crossed for her
Thank goodness your vet had the insight to phone for a second opinion :thumbsup: Fingers crossed that once they sort the infection out,Annie wont be diabetic after all :luck:
rodders said:
Thank goodness your vet had the insight to phone for a second opinion :thumbsup: Fingers crossed that once they sort the infection out,Annie wont be diabetic after all :luck:
just wish my own vet was back off holiday anyhow he's back Tuesday and he has been phoning for updates and progress reports which is appreciated
Hope Annie is on the mend soon, keep your chin up Linda.

We're both thinking of you at this difficult time

Marie and Graham
Annie was allowed home yesterday :teehee: after discussion with vet it was thought her levels might stablise better in a less stressful environment couldn't wait to get her home but was dreading having to do the injections anyhow I managed ok she has to go back to vets every morning for blood tests and penicillin injections and later in the week she will have to go in for 24 hours she's in some discomfort due to the pancreas infection if they can clear this up she's on the road to recovery apart from the diabetes so theres a long way to go yet but we are getting there

my timetable for the forseable future is :sweating:

7 am insulin jab and feed

8 am eye drops

8-10am other eyedrops

9 am vets

4 pm eyedrops

7 pm insulin jab and feed

12 pm eyedrops

don't know how I'm gonna fit work in :wacko: might have to do 12-30 am to 6-30am but then when will I -_- -_- sleep -_-

hope Iget some before Tillie has her pups -_- -_- (w00t)
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Annie's had a good weekend with daily visits to vet for blood and urine tests her levels are still not stable so her insulin as been upped to 17ui twice a day and she goes back to vets next monday all being well :teehee: reprieve :wacko: I can get some work done :- "

She's not impressed with the tinned diabetic food :(gives me a dirty look every time I put it down to her :oops: she'd much prefer the nice high protien food Tillie's on
Annie is doing ok her blood glucose levels are stabling so she is now down to 15ui of insulin twice a day

The vet thinks her diabetes could be caused by her hormones as she is 7 weeks from the start of her last season and as she is a 7 monthly bitch they advise she be spayed, so after discussion with the vet about the best time for her to have the op she is going in on Monday to be done, with Tillies pups being due on 5th July don't want to risk Annie going into maternal mode :wub: which I'm sure she would and want to mother her grandkids
Glad they've got a grip of things now. :thumbsup: Annie looked well on wednesday, just hope the op goes well now and you can both put this behind you. :luck:
Poor Annie had a set back yesterday she fell down the stairs thought she may have gone a bit wobbly due to sugar levels but as she has no reflex in one of her back legs the vet thinks it could have been a minor stroke he can't give her any medication for this due to the diabetes as they are steroid based but it is hoped she can recover enough to give her quality of life so the next 48 hours are crucial

There has been some imrovment in Annies mobility this morning she's back on all 4 legs still a bit week on the back left but she's not in any pain or distress so were taking things day by day at the moment,

everythings on hold for the time being not sure I'll even get to the Scottish Derby this year this will be the first time Ive missed it since it began up at Dingwall then known as the Highland Derby :(
Fingrs cross for Annie shes sertanly being drage through the mill at the moment

poor annie i hope shes feeling better soon :luck:
Annie is much better today she's got her reflex back in her back leg still a bit wobbly but she's mobile thank god its no easy task carrying a 55lb dog about :wacko: further blood tests yesterday shown her levels had dropped so her insulin as been halved her operation to be speyed has been cancelled so just hoping she doesn't go into maternal mode when Tillies pups arrive

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