My apologies if this question seems dumb.
I work for a rescue in Sussex (Allsorts Dog Rescue) and I organise a number of shows every year to raise funds to rehome dogs.
We do a couple of bigger shows each year, and want to know how we can get our biggest show (63 classes, 24 lurcher classes, 13 greyhound classes -
judged this year by Paul James.), to be recognised as a qualifier for the Midland Game fair at Weston Park.
I have been told to contact The Coursing Crew, but I am unable to find any contact details ?
ANy ideas or help would be gratefully received.
And as an aside, we are having our last show of the year on November 28th, in an indoor arena at Albourne Equestrian centre, Sussex.
There will be 16 lurcher and Greyhound classes.
Thank you all.
My apologies if this question seems dumb.
I work for a rescue in Sussex (Allsorts Dog Rescue) and I organise a number of shows every year to raise funds to rehome dogs.
We do a couple of bigger shows each year, and want to know how we can get our biggest show (63 classes, 24 lurcher classes, 13 greyhound classes -
judged this year by Paul James.), to be recognised as a qualifier for the Midland Game fair at Weston Park.
I have been told to contact The Coursing Crew, but I am unable to find any contact details ?
ANy ideas or help would be gratefully received.
And as an aside, we are having our last show of the year on November 28th, in an indoor arena at Albourne Equestrian centre, Sussex.
There will be 16 lurcher and Greyhound classes.
Thank you all.