I was just wondering if any of you have any advice you could give on dogs with diabetes? My friend in Leeds took her collie bitch to the vet last week as she had noticed her dog had been losing weight over the last four weeks. After a few tests the vet said the dog has diabetes. She now has been at the vet every day this week getting the dogs levels checked to get the correct insulin intake. The vet had advised to cut the dogs food intake dramatically and the dog is now ALWAYS starving and she was never a greedy dog just grazed at her biscuits and got some chewees and snacks. Also the vet advised for the dog to go in next week to be spayed as this will help as well with the levels, as with her not been spayed it makes the diabetes more difficult to treat with wavering hormone levels. My friend is worried about this as the dog is 11yrs old. Any advise from any of you with diabetic dogs would be most appreciated.