On the dog walking field. Eight dogs ranging from small French Bulldog to Saint Bernard. All get along with no problems.
Women comes through gate and promptly takes her Rottweiler off the lead. He made a bee line for the dogs with her running after him shouting he is friendly.
Dogs in all directions. The Saint Bernard is a rescue and it has taken over a month to stop it being petrified of other dogs. She was shaking more than the little ones.
We asked her to control the dog but she just kept saying he was friendly. It ended with us all leaving. I don't think she understood that these dogs were a pack and it takes time for them to accept a new member.
We haven't seen her since. We don't want to dissuade any dog walkers on the field and this is the first real problem we have had in three years.
The dogs do fluctuate from two or three up to a dozen and not always the same ones.
Women comes through gate and promptly takes her Rottweiler off the lead. He made a bee line for the dogs with her running after him shouting he is friendly.
Dogs in all directions. The Saint Bernard is a rescue and it has taken over a month to stop it being petrified of other dogs. She was shaking more than the little ones.
We asked her to control the dog but she just kept saying he was friendly. It ended with us all leaving. I don't think she understood that these dogs were a pack and it takes time for them to accept a new member.
We haven't seen her since. We don't want to dissuade any dog walkers on the field and this is the first real problem we have had in three years.
The dogs do fluctuate from two or three up to a dozen and not always the same ones.