Hi Ive been asked to put this on for Murial
Please send in your camping fee to Muriel Mussett A.S.A.P for the B.W.R.A Straight Champs
Dont forget to display your camping pass CLEARLY this would save alot of unnessary work for Muriel.
If you dont want to cut the form from your w/news just staight clerly on paper your NAME , ADDRESS and CAR REG enclose PAYMENT and A.S.A.E to Muriel.
Anyone not racing who wants to come and camp at late notice , just see Muriel on the track.
If you want to camp before friday you also need to ring and pre-book the extra days with Asfordby A.S.A.P ........ TELL. 01664 434545
Please send in your camping fee to Muriel Mussett A.S.A.P for the B.W.R.A Straight Champs
Dont forget to display your camping pass CLEARLY this would save alot of unnessary work for Muriel.
If you dont want to cut the form from your w/news just staight clerly on paper your NAME , ADDRESS and CAR REG enclose PAYMENT and A.S.A.E to Muriel.
Anyone not racing who wants to come and camp at late notice , just see Muriel on the track.
If you want to camp before friday you also need to ring and pre-book the extra days with Asfordby A.S.A.P ........ TELL. 01664 434545